Emerald eyes darted over the words, absorbing them as the orbs followed the lines on the page. The library in her house was quiet as it always was, the silence only broken by the staccato ticking of a closet sitting on the mantle of the fire place. The warm sunshine spilled into the room, alighting on a figure curled up on the window seat, making her blonde hair shine gold in the rays. The girl had her knees tucked to her chest, her wardrobe consisting of gray skinny jeans, a purple and gray ombre sweater and black boots. Her hair was loose around her shoulders, the curls spilling down her back and all the way to her waist. A rustling noise sounded out as slender fingers gently turned the page, bright green eyes idly glancing at the clock. They quickly widened when she read the time and she leaped to her feet, quickly grabbing her messenger bag filled with art supplies and books as well as other things she might need. She quickly pushed the book she had been reading inside as she ran out the doors, down the hall, descended the grand staircase. No one asked where this girl seemed to be off to in such a hurry because no one either cared or was home. To her parents she was invisible and to the staff that worked at the large mansion she was just something to look after. Once she had turned seventeen she was all but nonexistent to the residents of the Eirwen household. Autumn shook the thought from her head and ran out the door and down the drive, heading towards a large building a few blocks away. She arrived there, breathless and panicked that she might be late. She flashed her ring at the door and was let inside. She quickly hurried towards the meeting room, hoping she wasn't late. She slid inside and blinked. Gage was the only one here. She had panicked for nothing. She sighed and dropped into a chair, folding her arms across the table and resting her forehead on them as she caught her breath.