It was a joke that entered territory that some people found offensive. Which some people naturally got offended by, and the reputation spam's given only served to multiply the intensity, frequency and 'justification' of said offended feelings. But even then there were multiple people who called out the offended people going "Guys, Gwazi made a joke. Relax". Hell, this part here: >Le me makes joke thread >Le spam goes "OMG! Y U MAKE ARGUEMENT!?" >Le me reminds people it's a joke thread >Le spam goes "OMG SEE!? US YELLING CLEARLY SHOWS THAT GWAZI CAUSED THIS ARGUMENT AND NOT US!!!" Was actually referencing a post someone else had made (I forget who) who was pointing out how the argument was being caused by Spam acting offending and looking for a fight, and not by anything I myself did. And obviously Sherlock closed down the thread. The Guild has a tendency for closing threads that dissolves into conflict (no matter who started it). And given the history between me and spam? Name one time spam (as whole, not individuals) has actually chosen to back down and stop yelling about an accusation towards me, rather than keeping it up. Once again, I admit I cause a decent among of arguments in spam. But I do sometimes back off and end them if it get's out of hand. However when it's the other way around, it has already gone the direction of: >Yell and scream at Gwazi. >Circlejerk anger at Gwazi, thereby encouraging more anger. >Mod see's anger, comes in and closes thread. >Spam takes closing thread and claims that Gwazi caused the anger that got it closed. I mean come on, you have to admit that there are people who just get furious at me and do not let up about it. This isn't me playing victim, if I was playing victim I wouldn't be taken partial responsibility for the arguments that break out. But if these arguments are ever going to stop, Spam also needs to recognize when they're the ones starting and/or dragging on the argument.