Jack looked around the city as he walked along. He had to be in the year 1250 BC soon. He had work to do and was curious about something new. He had to investigate a battle to check out or to check on the trade routes of the area. His parents still had no idea that he could travel into a time period that they only knew about in books and from the tombs. He got to see them in real life. They still had no idea how he was fluent in the language. They could not tell he was going back or how he had gotten that sword. He walked over to the building and flashed his ruby ring. It was a family heirloom and his father thought he should have it. He had kept the ring with him through his adventures over the years. He had treasured the ring and his khopesh. Both had kept him alive for a very long time. Now he was wearing a linen robe that he had gotten in his early time there. He had to fit in if his plan was to work and to not cause any issues in time. It was covering up a pair of jeans and a white shirt. He walked to the desk and sat down at the seat. "Hello Sage. Hello Autumn. How are you two doing?" He said as he read from his journal. It was a jumble of hieroglyphics and English. He had translations of hieratic and other writings in there. As was his nature he was still reading no matter what they said. He did not want to be here right now.