[quote=@SirBeowulf] Rare-sempai! Its been a long while! Sorry Division never went the way you wanted it to. I felt bad about it during the time 'cause my computer would not work at all. Hopefully this one will be one of those that last. As for talking about the actual rp, more questions. We're probably going to be getting a lot more information like stocks of supplies, what exactly has happened thus far, or more information about the natives. What I was wondering is what kind of characters we're allowed to make. Since they have to have been imprisoned for some kind of crime, at least according to Aenda, what kind do you want? I was thinking either a young noble from a rising family who were tossed into the jails to stop any sort of rise against Aenda. That or a sandwich thief. [/quote] The general concept of the types of people sent to the New World would be akin to the pilgrims the British dispatched to New England. People deemed dangerous to the crown or alienated from society, but not enough to kill and would need to be dealt with uniquely. The unique situation in this case being sending them out of country to expand the nation in an uncivilized world. The logic being throwing them well outside the borders keeps them out of mainstream politics and that pitches them in such a wild and new location that survival becomes a priority over potentially conducting an upheaval of mainstream society and politics back home, and they'll be in such low numbers they can't possibly revolt without signing all their death warrants. Nobility would also be targeted too, especially if they decided to not recognize Aenda's bid for power and instead recognize the child-king he killed. This people though would basically have been stripped of their wealth and left with only as much as they can pack, so they're not anywhere near as powerful as they were. You then also of course have the standard criminals who aren't being straight up executed. But the main target may be more political rivals and people not in the social or religious mainstream, so this world's equivalent to Gypsies and Jews and shit or the Puritans. As for the natives, a big thing I like is player determination. I don't want to force too much on everyone and potentially drown good ideas. As such I'm going to be giving the natives out to the people to figure out. I know a friend of mine has some good ideas for them, so we'll have to see with his application as well as what he posts and how he posts. Resource wise, more than likely the basic tools needed to establish a basic settlement for them and some food supplies. However they would have probably underestimated the winters or overlooked certain factors so food or even clothing would have been overlooked. But again this is an area I'm not going to dwell on heavily because I don't want to bog things down in too much number crunching. The important point is that they would have barely made it without native generosity playing into it, and as such they came out much better and much more learned and wary, having experienced winter. They know now how rough this land is, and that's the important part; not how many sacks of salt they had.