I can have some NPCs do something with Kristof. But... *Yawn* not tonight. I have it fully planned though. Just so I don't forget, I'll post it here in the OOC. One of the stand people has a device. And they're a doctor. Their new device is a doctor device. It uses the power of the fourth dimension to work itself, healing wounds unusually healable in the past. The device pulls in energy, heals Kristof, and hurts the monster. The doctor then get's knocked away and vaporized as the device lays next to Kristof. That will actually be useful for later too! I can see our characters being beaten the shit out of a lot... so, having something like that will be useful. We can always say it became damage, and now requires complete and utter calmness for it to work anymore. Good night! [quote=@Unraveller] No, do what ever it is that makes sense to do. That is, makes sense in a world of fourth dimensional mumbo jumbo. [/quote] Muhahaha! We will [u][i][b]FORCE[/b][/i][/u] you to RP!