This was a veritable time bomb waiting to go off, the tension between Aiko and Tamina, and Kosuke wasn't thrilled about it. Things were tense enough just being around people in general, but add in conflict and things became infinitely worse. The samurai was anything but versed in settling situations like this down; hiding somewhere and waiting for the fighting to simmer down was typically his reaction, but that wasn't going to cut it here. Thankfully he didn't have to try anything as Aiko relented, albeit sounding rather reluctant in doing so. As Tamina had done Kosuke too looked skyward, watching as their resident assassin jumped into a nearby try to probably scout out the area. Maybe this way there would be no surprises, which would be nice, he hated surprises. Being ambushed out on the road would make an already horrible situation even worse, and he wasn't even sure if he'd be able to handle it. Waiting a bit tensely for Aiko's return he looked to the girl as she gave a brief report, breathing a little easier with it... Up until she made a request. "M-Me? Lead on...?" Kosuke repeated, blinking as he gestured to himself. It made sense but that didn't mean he was excited about it, and he knew backing out on it wasn't an option. Largoes simply wasn't a front line fighter, and goodness knows neither of the girls were either. If it came to a battle then he was their only option, and that meant having to be in the front to take the brunt of the attacks. Sighing somberly he nodded his head, placing a hand on the hilt of his katana as he began moving forward. "Alright, I'll do it... Just tell me if you see something... Okay?" Chances were Aiko was bound to pick up on a threat well before he would, all she'd have to do then is direct him towards it. Goodness knows he had plenty of ways of getting the enemy to attack him, but all those skills were moot if he couldn't find the enemy. So long as his team kept him up to speed on any potential threats they should be alright. Kosuke hadn't realized just how long he'd been inside of Akihabara for, and as such he was stunned by the change of scenery. The reality was far less breathtaking than he was making it out to be, but in the moment the samurai was actually enjoying himself; nerves were still high, but he could appreciate how nice everything looked. The brevity of these moments made him wish he could do it more often, had he the courage to venture out on his own. Now with a group he might be able to do just that, but only if they wouldn't get upset with him doing a bit of daydreaming. No, he needed to focus on his job, and that job was protecting everyone else from harm. So why was he near sweating cold just at the thought of combat? Swallowing back some nerves Kosuke glanced over his shoulder, smiling meekly at those who followed him. "So... Uh, where are we going again, Aiko?"