[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Infirmary ==> Dorm[/h2] Gren took the sedative from Sapphire tentatively. Sapphire had measure the dose accurately as far as she could tell so it should have no adverse effects on Shiro. Sapphire watched both of the boys jump from the window chasing after Shiro, a job she should be doing. It was not so much that the job was getting done without her, that didn't bother her as much as the fact that she was incapable of performing the job in her current condition. She needed to be fast, her current condition did not allow that for that in the slightest. Sapphire began to pace, or more accurately limp up and down the infirmary wing. Her ankle was slightly swollen but there appeared to be no extreme damage, Sapphire guessed it would be gone in two maybe three days but for [i]her[/i] that wasn't soon enough. She felt like a bird whose wings had been clipped. She was stranded unable to do anything. After what felt like hours though in reality was likely only about five minutes Sapphire had had enough. As long as she didn't perform any extreme tasks she would be back in fighting form in about two weeks. While that wasn't soon enough for Sapphire it still meant that she didn't need to be in the infirmary anymore. Sapphire walked back to the supply cupboard at the far end of the room and after liberating ample supplies she used them to bandage up her arm. She had accidentally torn a significant hole in her arm when she'd pulled out her IV tube. It too would heal in two or three days but it led directly to a vein and if left unattended could cause her to bleed out over a number of hours. Sapphire bandaged it and placed the remaining supplies back in the cupboard. She was just about to leave when on a whim she returned taking three doses of the same sedative she'd given to Gren with her. If Shiro had another episode it would be best to have some on hand. Sapphire returned to her hospital bed and set about dressing herself in her combat clothing. She disrobed from the horrible hospital gear, making sure her semblance was active first that way no one would be able to walk in on her. Then she pulled on a pair of black leggings and a pleated black skirt over top that fell to just before her knees. She donned a dark blue tank top and draped a knee length black trench coat over her arm. On a night like this it didn't seem the time for it. Sapphire considered putting on her combat boots before deciding that her ankle wouldn't be able to take that kind of strain. For the moment she would continue to wear the hospital slippers. Unfortunately her gloves appeared to have been damaged beyond repair in the tunnels or else they would be here. Lastly Sapphire tied a green banana with white embroidery around her neck. It didn't quite fit with the rest of her color scheme but even so Sapphire almost never took it off. She tied the laces of her combat boots together and tossed them over her arm along with her coat. She was good to go. Lastly she took her main weapons, a little something special her father had had made personally for her with a setting for every occasion and she placed them in holsters on her back. Moving slower than was strictly comfortable for her so as not to aggravate her ankle Sapphire walked out of the infirmary. When she got out of the building she took in a long draft of fresh air. For some reason air in hospitals always smelled stale. Sapphire assumed it has something to do with the disinfectants. There was a map of Beacon pre-downloaded onto her scroll and Sapphire was glad to see that someone had been kind enough to have the dormitories for team Swansong marked on it. Sapphire liked there team name. It might sound delicate but it reminded Sapphire of a song her mother used to sing and every warrior knew the things that looked the most harmless were often the most deadly. Just after Sapphire had entered the building were the dorms were located she got a call on her scroll. It was Abel reporting that Shiro had been found and they were going to bring him to the dorms. He said he'd see her tomorrow. Sapphire almost laughed at that but instead gave a sort of non committal response to let him know the message had been heard. If he was under the impression that she was going to spend another night in the infirmary he was in for a big surprise. Sapphire made it to the dorms and pushed the door open to there's. It was a fairly spacious room with two bunk beds, and a large window. The room was not nearly as nice as the one she'd slept in back home but then again her father wasn't at Beacon so Sapphire decided this was preferable. Sapphire chose the bottom bunk next to the window and across from the door. This way she had the best access to both exits. If she had been in better health she might have rearranged some of the furniture to make the exits more accessible to her current location but that would have to wait for a time when she could put all of her body weight on both feet. All there bags had been delivered too the room. Sapphire contented herself with unpacking. She dragged her single suitcase over to her bed and opened it. First she dug through it until she found a small empty duffle bag. The duffle bag she packed with one spare set of clothing, an emergency medical kit, some cash, and a fake ID she'd procured with her father's connections. The last item she slid into the lining of the bag so that if anyone went through her stuff they wouldn't find it easily. This was what she called an emergency bag, in essence any time she needed to she could take this one bag and leave, leave everything behind. Run as far as she needed to. Sapphire did not expect to have to use it at Beacon Academy but it was comforting knowing that it was an option available to her. She placed the bag at the foot of her bed and pushed it just slightly under. Then she set her suitcase at the foot of bed in front of it and before returning to her bed took a battered violin case from her suit case as well as a book. The book she set on her bed and the violin case she opened. The instrument inside was beautiful. Made of high grade oaken wood and polished to a shine Sapphire had never seen a prettier instrument. Of course her opinion could have something to do with that fact that it was her instrument but it didn't matter one way or another. Sapphire took the violin out of its case, set it against her chin and took up the bow. She used it to draw one long wailing note from the strings just to make sure it was still working after its trip and it was in tune. Satisfied Sapphire replaced it in its case and slid the case under her bed, no need for her teammates to see it. She then took up the book she'd retrieved from her suitcase and lay down slowly on her bed. Any minute her teammates would be here.