"Pierce!" The voice calls that name out and the tone screams one thing. For him to stop. But there is no stopping, as Solomon Pierce runs down the streets, barreling through pedestrians. He looks back, his pursuers, the armed and dangerous kind, and trying very hard to keep up with the nimbler and slightly faster man. Not wanting to get caught, Solomon puts as much distance between him and his pursuers as he's able to, reaching for a crate next to a street stall, and knocking it over, giving them something to avoid. "Hey, stop!" That would be the poor owner of the street stall, but Pierce just keeps running. He runs, he ducks, he runs some more, and he finally puts that distance between himself and the men after him. But that's not enough. It's never enough, it seems. Making a hard corner, he ends up right in front of the Keelhauled Pony Pub, just in time to see that door closing and a tower of a bearded man falling forward like a toppled oak tree. THUD. His chest heaves, he looks up, he looks behind him. Are they gone? In the distance, he can see the glint of weapon, his pursuers dragging themselves through the sea of people he so expertly navigated. Biting his lip, Solomon follows what's always served him well to follow, his gut, and he steps right in. Inside, he immediately looks like he belongs. Gone is the chest heaving and any sign that he was just running for his life. He spots a young woman, a certain cloaked redhead that just came in. Smiling like he owns the place, he swiftly approaches. "There you are, sweetheart!" He calls to her, reaching for her arm, and just going right for a kiss... Just as two of his pursuers come in. Solomon spins around, hopefully getting that nice petite cloaked redhead to play along with him, trying to hide in their embrace. The two newcomers spread around and look for him. He offers a wry smile to the girl as he "kisses" her, and raises a finger to his lips in a shhing motion, side-glancing at the two armed men.