[center][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/55fd74d330d95bfe43f38a903e20b64a/tumblr_nch2ykeMrb1r49twlo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] Planeswalkers. Though their power and influence have decreased greatly in recent years, they continue to be among the most dominant forces in the Multiverse. The knowledge and abilities of these mages are enough to alter the fates of entire Planes, be it for good or ill. And where Planeswalkers gather, the fate of the Multiverse is decided. As time flows, more threats to the stability of the Multiverse and all of those that live in it appear and strengthen. The all-consuming Eldrazi, the corruption of Phyrexia, and the Tyrant of Worlds, Nicol Bolas. All of these are threats too great for a single Planeswalker to face. That said, the potential for Planeswalkers to join forces and overcome them still exists. Enter the Infinite Consortium. Originally an organization dedicated to interplanar trade and goods procurement, founded by Bolas himself. In these troubling times, it has been repurposed into a coalition of Planeswalkers dedicated to protecting and preserving the Multiverse from forces that would do it harm. This is where you come in: as a relatively new Planeswalker, you have been invited to join the Infinite Consortium, and save the Multiverse as you know it. --- Okay, so, Planeswalker adventures, who's up for them? Pretty simple stuff, we all roll up OC Planeswalkers, and then go on Multiversal adventures. As far as characters go, I'm feeling a core of four parts to the character creation process: Home plane, race, class and colors. Pretty simple stuff, honestly. Pick your plane (for example, Alara), a race found on that Plane (ex: Sphinx), the class you'd like to give that character (think of the creature types in the game, so for this instance, Artificer), and then up to three colors that you want them to work in (ex: Blue, Black, White). I'm going to be really open with character concepts, as long as they reasonably adhere to known canon (for example, no undead Planeswalkers), or whatever you conceive on your own isn't totally nonsensical (White/Red Demon Shaman from an all-water Plane). I would also ask to refrain from Planeswalkers closely aligned to the "big three" villains that I mentioned in the IC blurb for story reasons. I'm considering asking for five or so "signature spells" in the form of actual cards from the game that would serve to give an idea of your character's magic style. Thoughts, questions, ideas, etc?