Name: Thomas Chingford Age: 23 Gender: Male Number: 44 Associated Colour: Black, traditionally in Western culture it symbolises death, and in Japan it means mystery. Physical Description: At 6' 1", Thomas is slightly slender, with medium length black hair, that is put up a bit. His skin is pale, almost white. It is slightly cold to the touch. He has brown eyes, but is also wearing glasses. His face is slightly square, and he has black facial hair on most of the lower part of his face. He has short body hair over his chest, legs, and arms. Personality: Thomas is shy and introverted, and is experiencing the onset of schizophrenia. He likes to stay on his own so that people don't think he's crazy, and when he does speak, it's very short. Known History: Thomas grew up in northern Canada, where he was badly bullied in school. He then went to Toronto to attend university. Since finishing university, Thomas stayed in Toronto and worked in a computing company. Real History: The last thing that Thomas can remember is being angry at his childhood, and drinking whiskey at his parents' house.