Robert quickly went back to the lunch line and grabbed a few different types of food, hoping that a variety to choose from would satisfy Greyson and Daniel. Then, while still balancing both lunch trays, he gestured to Priscilla towards the exit and said, "Let's go get this to the guys." While walking back to their team's room, Robert began to think on the day's events. He had joined a great team, met the pretty Priscilla, fought a horrible Grimm, and then became leader of that aforementioned team. All in all a good day. Then again, it wasn't that easy. There were the Rapier Wasps, the minor sunburn, and the several injuries sustained from fighting the Sitting Bulls and... what did Ozpin call it? A Minos Bull? Nah, Edgar was much easier to remember, and more fun to say. "Edgar. Ha!" Robert actually blurted out without noticing. "What a funny name for a Grimm."