Anna walks into the village of Mayflower, a quaint village towards the East of her country of Gainsborough. The village is very small, about 20 houses or huts, and has dirt roads. It spans tens of acres however, and is full of farm land. It's a sunny day and no cloud is in the sky, fair temperature. Anna's feet make noise as the metal of her boots clunk onto the soil of the roads, the silver of her armor with bits of orange rust. It's time for new armor, need to buy some. Her sword is in good shape though, her father's sword. Handed down to her after he realized he could not change his child's decision of becoming a bounty hunter. It was just an average, pretty well built long sword. A scrawny middle aged man worn down from farming witnesses Anna and gets riled up. The man comes back with an elderly man who Anna suspects must be the village elder. When the bounty hunter is within 10 feet of the men, she sees his eyes glitter in the sun. "You've come. Please... follow me. Oh, and the payment..." "You needn't worry about the payment. Please show me the girl." "Right this way... " He walks Anna towards the hut where the girl is staying. "How do you know that she's ill and be a changeling? She could have a fever." "It's not so simple... She has been losing her senses one by one. First she could not taste, then she could not see nor hear. It's just like the stories of the others who changed! Now she doesn't speak and has eyes that don't reflect the shine of the sun. Her eyes are glazed, she no longer responds. We're afraid... " "I'll keep watch on her. Please pack all your belongings and retreat the villagers from Mayflower. I'm afraid we're going to have to take precautions." "Yes... Thank you..." Anna looks feircely at the girl who is huddled in blankets. Sad sight to see, hopefully we may save her if it's not too late. Terra be with her. --- IT was afternoon, just before evening. It was still sunny outside, but now that the village was half way cleared it was very quiet. The buzzing of critters could be heard, and the frogs in the pond nearest the hut croaked every so seconds. Anna closed her eyes as the girl lay there motionless, but still breathing. The girls veins were turning purple beneath her skin and jutting out. Anna knew it was almost time. Pretty soon the girl would transform into a hideous creature and she would have to kill it.Anna got her sword ready and held her sword towards the girl whilst the girl was still breathing. The girl looked in pain, not in peace and Anna hated this part the most. Anna always made it rough for herself. Some bounty hunters could kill the organisim just before they change, but Anna always hesistated. She could not help but pity the changeling for their loss of life. Not ever has it been recorded yet that one could save them being a monster. Not yet. One.... Two.... Anna counted numbers in her mind. IT helped calm her blood down in the moments of death. Three... Four... She clenched her sword. The girl huddled in pain as the purple veins took over her face. "Please.... help me..." Anna could see in the girl's eyes how afraid she was. But it was too late. A loud screech erupted from the hut that could be heard a mile away. Anna didn't think, but instinctively ran out of the hut as the monster hopped crawling onto the ceiling. With it's twisted head, it slobbered with it's sharp teeth and looked like it was insane. Mad, no mind.