Mio evaded the shifting of the earth beneath her feet by jumping and using air to fly into the spirit vine forest. Ryuu couldn’t fly in the same way, but he’d had more than enough experience fighting Avani that he could remain on his feet while the earth shook, even if it took quite a bit of concentration to do so. They both made it into the spirit vine forest before the other team, and ran to catch up with their leader. Ryuu figured she’d find them when she wanted too rather than the other way around, but since the other team was pissed off now he’d prefer to not stop and wait for her. At least not until they’d shook them off their tail. Avani came to a halt when the spirit vine forest got too thick for her to continue surfing on a large stone. She was fairly sure she’d lost both her own team and team b. Thankfully, she should be able to feel their location through the earth when they were this close. She stepped of the stone with the crate on and searched for Ryuu by putting her barefoot against the earth, since he’d be the easiest to recognize and Mio might be in the air, not on the ground. Once she’d found him she just needed to meet up with her team somewhere. They were heading in her general direction, so it didn’t take long for her to run into them. She moved silently as she didn’t know if they were being followed by team b or not. Avani whistled to them, much like a bird might sound, and when they came straight for her she assumed they weren’t followed. “Well done, team!” Avani said, and gave them each a high five. “Let’s go check what was in that crate now.” “Maybe you should cool it with antagonizing the other team leader, Ava.” Ryuu commented. “Never know who may be useful to us later.” “I’m just having a bit of fun.” Avani snorted. “Besides, this way we get first pick on everything in the crate. If we decide to give them whatever’s left after that, I don’t mind. “They’d have done the same to us if given the chance.” Mio commented. “Exactly, Mio. We just got to it first.” The three arrived at where Avani had left the crate, but while they were about to open it the radio crackled to life again and team b’s leader threatened Avani. She waited a while before she responded to team b’s demands. “Whoa girl…” Avani didn’t finish telling her to calm down and that threats were overdoing it, because she had a better idea and had to stifle a laugh. “I don’t even know you yet. Maybe at least a dinner before you put your hands anywhere.” Ryuu shook his head, pulled his hood back up and started to look around the area. Mio just smiled as she finally got to open the crate and discover what was inside. Avani had to focus to stop herself from laughing. “Hmm, I don’t really like either of those options. How about…” Avani paused for dramatic effect as if she was thinking up a third option. “We keep the crate, and you leave this mission to the professionals?” Avani had planned to make sure her team got first pick on the supplies, but after being threatened she didn’t feel all that eager to give up anything to this woman’s team. She picked up a sandwich from the crate that Mio had opened, and began to chew on it loudly into the radio. “This food is delicious.” She said with her mouth full. “Too bad you won’t get any of it.” Avani kept chewing loudly with the radio turned on, sighing and moaning as if it was the best freaking sandwich she’d eaten in her life. It wasn’t really. She could make better food than this herself. It was food you’d eat for the nutrition, not the taste. Ryuu thought Ava’s behaviour was beyond petty at this point, but he didn’t comment on it. She’d probably get what was coming to her for this, then he would be there to tell her that he told her so and to help her get back on her feet. It was what friends did after all. He was more curious why they hadn’t seen any spirits yet. Maybe their loud entrance into the forest had scared them away? Mio inspected what was in the crate. There seemed to be double of everything, so they’d probably assumed that the teams would get along better than they currently were. Mostly food, but some tools that may come in handy too, Mio took half of the stuff in the crate and moved it into backpacks she’d brought with her.