[b]Jolokia - Starter Town, Beginnings Boulevard[/b] Darting excitedly from food stall to food stall, the green hair of a young looking swordswoman bobbed back and forth as her coin purse became emptier and emptier. Festivals were really the best! There were always so much fun things going on, and the food was amazing! As she gorged herself on some foreign delicacy she couldn't pronounce the name of, the young Masalan warrior Jolokia wondered what to try next. "Ah, it's all so good!" she happily thought aloud, licking her fingers clean. It really did taste amazing, and she wasn't going to waste one drop. "And there's still so much more to try! What next, what next... Oooh, that smells [i]amazing![/i]" Bounding towards a nearby stall, Jolokia's eyes were transfixed by a chef cooking some kind of barbecue dish she'd never had, or more specifically by what he held in his hands. "W-wow! I didn't know you could cook with swords! That's so amazing! Aren't swords amazing? They're the coolest thing ever! Want to see my swo-" "Y'gonna order somethin' or just babble 'bout swords all day, missy?" The barbecue chef laughed heartily, running the blade of one sword along that of the other, making a satisfying [i]SCHNNNNG[/i] noise. "...Oh right! Right, right, um... Let's see, um, um..." The young Masalan reached for her coin purse... And to her dismay found only a few small coins left, not nearly enough to buy even the cheapest dish on the menu. "...Waaaah! Noooo! This is the greatest tragedy in all history! And it smelled so good too... No sword barbecue for poor Jolokia..." Slumping off dispondently, Jolokia wondered if there was any way to make more money. She [i]really[/i] wanted to try the sword barbecue!