[b] Aura - Starter Town, Beginnings Boulevard [/b] Small steps, soft steps, silent steps stepping silently softly as the small boy makes his way through the crowd. A group of peal barge through making a small commotion as they start to speak out loud. "Anyone seen a little kid wondering around here?" as the group of four archaeologist's asked around only to find that there were street children everywhere as they began to complain amongst themselves as the townspeople looked at the four men strangely. Meanwhile moving between stalls the little boy was hungry, he had not eaten in so long and these strange guys just found him. He was not sure what was going on as he wondered where his parents were and why everything looked so different. He could not recognise anything as he walked around finally noticing a stall with several fruit as he just took an apple and started eating as a lady looked to the boy with a glare and asked. "Are you going to pay for that?", the boy paused for a moment having taken only a single bite as he put the apple back down and shook his head. The woman was about to get furious when a man passing by just placed a gold coin on the table and said, "I will pay for this, so do not worry young lady", as the man turned to see the boy's reaction as he was hoping to show off the boy was gone with the apple as well. Things were peaceful as the boy just walked between all the people who were too busy with what seemed to be a festival to notice him, as the researching archaeologist's tried their best to find the small boy as there was no way for them to track him down right now. They had not thought of what to do with the boy and having only really treated his wounds they never got down to giving him proper cleaning or clothing so he pretty much appeared like all the other street kids with brown hair due to how dirty his hair had been from all the rubble it got and some dust as well. His clothes were tattered and torn with only the wound that was fixed being somewhat cleansed to prevent infection. Meanwhile the small boy had finished his apple as he threw the left overs away, he had grown up in a small little village so he did not really get what was going on around him. He then finally noticed something he could recognise and saw a sword, he stood in front of this stall which had a man making some strange meat with his sword. He had never seen a barbeque before and to be honest was not sure what the man was doing as he just wanted to eat the food. He then looked to the side and then as he looked back up there was some strange girl with green hair who spoke as he could barely understand what the man was saying and part of what the girl said. The man said something about order and the girl was searching her pouch for something. She was going on all of a sudden about it being a tragedy that the sword barbeque, as he paused now more interested in her as he was more interested in this new word he never heard before called barbeque, he had read nearly every book in his parents library and never once did he find this word. Was she a foreigner or maybe she was some strange creature since her hair was green, not that his own hair colour was strange if anyone got to see it clean. He then suddenly felt hungry and reached out for the meat only to burn his hand as the man looked his way he got a bit scared and looking around not sure which way to go just remembered the green hair and followed the strange barbeque girl slowly and closely behind her with soft silent small steps