[b]Name:[/b] Mephistos [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Species:[/b] Demon [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Human Appearance:[/b] [hider=Mephistos][img=http://shadowness.com/file/item4/103814/image_t6.jpg][/hider] Tall, lean, gaunt, with a mean attitude and a deadpan voice, this is a demon that knows that he has class, knows that he has style, and is incredibly bored. His style of speech is unlinear and sometimes confusing as he constantly pronounces words wrong, but he doesn't care, and if you try to point it out to him, you will get on the wrong side of the silver Babylonian coin that he is always carrying. Always neatly dressed, in fashion, but never flashy, a smile is rare, but priceless, as he has an incredible sense of humor. [b]Beast Appearance:[/b] [hider=Harpy Eagle][img=http://albertearlgilbert.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Harpy-Eagle-5_lg.jpg][/hider] Personality: Cold, funny, with a quick and silver tongue and a trick always up his sleeve, he has a fascination for illusion and 'magic'. His price placed on human life is very very low, and he isn't above beating a person to death for not getting his jokes. He is well read, and extremely sharp, his intelligence something of a thing of pride for him. Not much of a fighter, but his age and experience make him much more of a challenge to any fighter in the world, supernatural or no, than his slick appearance would appear. [b]Brief History:[/b] Before he appeared on earth, he wasn't really known. Even after he did, it wasn't very frequent, with various names for him becoming something of a popular legend in some of the ancient cultures, and after that, he disappeared for a very long time. He reappeared some 200 years ago. Nobody is quite sure from where, or how. His... uniqueness of his kind sent some question marks flying, but none could dispute the fact that he was, indeed, a demon. Cold and icy, unlike his firey brethren, he takes a much cooler, icier kind of terrifying than the rest of his kind. But, as powerful as he was, and as old as he was, it was only natural that he be elevated to the council, where he remained in second in command to the current leader. But as the Dagon's actions began to spiral out of control, rebelling against the commands of the council and almost sparking an all out war against humanity, Mephistos decided that it had gone too far, attacking the demon and, using trickery and slippery style of fighting, beat him down, forcing him to disappear, wounded, but certainly not dead. The Council awarded him the position of Dagon for his actions.