Floyd was just leaning back inhaling the precious reefer smoke into his lungs. So far today he’d gotten really really really fucking high and he’d just been going from one good moment to another. It sounded like the person on the other line was pretty mad with her, and he caught on that she was about to go. “Ite yeaaah I will.” He just grinned as she got out the car, amused by how much smoke came out before she closed the door. It wasn’t until he was finishing the blunt that he recalled something. _oh shittt did I ever give her the Adderall.._ He was trying to remember if he had made the deal as he just wanted to smoke. He rolled the windows down, and turned the car off letting the smoke pour out the car as he gathered his thoughts. _Fuck it I’ll hit her line later I’m too high to go on another mission well actually I can drop off..Cam and Katelyn’s weed then head back to the crib, I’ll just give Chris his shit when I go to pregame with ask Mike if he tryna come smoke and drink with us..tonight..hope I’m not too drunk to get these bars off tonight._ Though extremely fucking baked, he’d finally come up with a solution to his issue, and took out his phone to contact Cam first. “Hey man wassup..huhh..forreall..bro Gucci I’m actually in my car rn I’ll just drive over to you right quick bro..yeah…good shit.” Floyd put the car in reverse backing out of the spot and then heading down the parking lot. While coming to a hault for a stop sign he reached into his glove compartment for some blunt spray and began spraying some throughout the car to help cancel out the wonderful and strong THC aroma. _SHiiit fuck ozium this shit better and cheaper anyway._ He tossed the blunt spray back into the glove compartment then drove off to Cam’s spot. It wasn’t long before Floyd was pulling back into his original parking spot. _Ahhh..selling weed the easiest job in the world, can’t even get fired, just locked up with felony charges._ Floyd made sure to count the money he’d gotten from Cam and Katelyn right quick again. $50 bucks wasn’t much but hey every bit counted, placing the bills in his wallet then rolling up his windows he got out the car. “Damn…I might need to pick up some Ozium actually…” He just started laughing due to being fucking stoned, and headed back up the room. He wondered if Mike was there, he hoped he was so he could share his incredible day with him at least some of it. After lazily making his way to the door and fumbling through his pockets for his keys he opened the door stumbling in the room reeking of pot. “Ohhh shiiit Mikeee wassssssup brooooo” He laughed and went over to his side of the room and plopped down on his bed relaxed. “Man today’s been fucking great yoo, I got high with two sexy ass girls, got my bands up, and I’m feeling like I’m Clark in an episode of Smallville but what about you man how’s life been treating you now that your on Parkman’s level” He just grinned being this high made this conversation seem far more normal then it should have been at least to him. Luckily he hadn’t made his way into the kitchen and seen one of his favorite plate’s smashed so for now he remained contempt and stoned, his high not blown.