[color=crimson]"Bahh!"[/color] Carina spat out, shaking her head. [color=crimson]"CC was just the name of the dumb dog Kaln stole the collar from. he thought it was cute because it had the first letter of my wolf name."[/color] She explained, her voice snobby. She glared over at Morgan, deciding whether to lie or tell her her real name... [color=crimson]"I'm Carina."[/color] She spoke matter-of-factly, having given up on privacy at this point. She ran a hand through her hair and stared at Morgan for a moment. [color=crimson]"I'm not sure whether to take your fascination as an insult or a compliment. I guess I'll take it as both."[/color] She told her, huffing slightly. [color=crimson]"Anyway, I suppose you have a lot of questions. Ask away. Though, I can't say I'll answer all of them truthfully."[/color] She explained, pulling a strand of dark red hair behind her ear. Carina had lost her human name when she was bitten. That was the thing... She had no home to return to because she didn't remember it. Her name, anything. When she woke up, all she had was a name that had been given to her. By who? She didn't know... She guessed now that it was probably the wolf spirit, Chanteloup, that Kaln always spoke of. It was sort of this guiding spirit they all had. Song of the Wolf. It gave each of them a name when they either changed or were born... She had to laugh at her own name. It held no meaning, just a bunch of jumbled up words. At least Kaln's name meant leader. The elders of his pack had no idea what Carina had meant. Even after asking the spirits.