Well, we can either assume that the beast is still ever so slightly far away from the twins so that he would have to move in order to get them. That means the thing would have to go through his whole teleport randomly everywhere routine in order to get them. Unless it has some sort of projectile. If the beast has a projectile, like, a poison barb or something, I'd say it'd be funner to fight. Though, maybe we should save that for an even harder version of the fourth dimensional creatures. Or, because The One has decided against sending in their apps for the two character limit right now, we can assume that they should be killed instead. And, yeah, they [u]really[/u] had no purpose being in the convention. I can say that with 100% accuracy. Either that, or the police force is ten times less competent than I had originally thought, and let two extremely under aged children with no sight of their parents or guardians anywhere, into the convention. [hider=My rant of the year on a serious pet-peeve of mine.] Alright, I'm going to go on a tirade with this, and if you don't like those I guess just don't read it. But I need to vent. So, about three or four pages back, The One stated this. "Sorry, I find it hard to put detailed backstories in, and can't think what to do next, while in the Rp, it is more fun and easier to come up with something." I tried that once, and I was called out for being seriously lazy. When I defended myself, (this was during the period that I was part of 5-6 RPs and got really burnt out afterwards.) they gave up and allowed it. [b]Never[/b] do this unless you can remember literally [b]every[/b] single post you've made with that character. Why? Well, I contradicted my backstory a ton, when I made it up as I RPed. "Oh, when he was six the event happened." And then someone calls you out and says, "I thought you said it was when he was seven." This means that you can literally make up your Bio as it comes up in the RP and hand-tailor it so that it's convenient to the situation. Say a wall comes up out of nowhere, and you just go, "oh yeah, my character is an explosives master. He can just knock this down." It's a lazy way to essentially godmod your characters. That's probably why Tek and us are going to seriously reinforce the heavy back-story thing, because otherwise you could just make stupid stuff up on the fly and say it's part of their "backstory" that you never explained to us. That's why I got really mad at the twins turning out to be psychopaths when [b]absolutely nowhere[/b] in the bio explains or even alludes to this insanity whatsoever. Making stuff up on the fly, is, and always will be, a lazy way to just make your characters do whatever the heck you want, whenever you want. Now, I didn't mean this in any way to insult you The One, as I don't know whether or not if you do that sort of stuff. However, I've had an experience with that, and payed the price. It is [b]not fun[/b] in any way. When I looked back at it, I seriously regretted ever doing it. Bios on the fly are garbage. Sure, you can leave a detail or two out, but the bios are only for [b]us[/b] to read. The characters cannot read them, so what's the point in hiding a ton of essential details like [b]they're flipping psychopaths[/b] from us? It's not like the characters know, so at least let us know so that we don't get in a fight. [b]Alright, rant over.[/b] [/hider]