[s](oh my god dude i miss this RP so much and im inspired to conTINUE WITH THIS I MISS OUR BABBBIEEESSS <333)[/s] With that, Matt got up with the most quickest reflex ever used in the past 24 hours. He was flustered but still managed to laugh. “M-My real name?” He mumbled out still shocked that Daemon was fully awake now, so he let out a cough. The touch of Daemon still lingered on him, and he didn't actually mind it, in fact he kind of liked it, and that was the weirdest part of this whole situation. “Wow, it sure is late...and alcohol, well that was such a bad idea haha let's vow to not do that again...” Matt tried to erase that previous moment while attempting to clean up the mess that was left in the room. He had no idea why he was tiptoeing around the whole name situation, it wasn't even that big of a deal. Hell, he could just say it right now and it wouldn't matter. What was he afraid of? Matt casually threw the bottles away, but paused after noticing a card neatly placed on the table. “Detective Brooks...?”