[hider=Rose Thorn][center]Appearance:[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d8/89/43/d88943209de5f17b90a8d7f711a13244.jpg[/img] Name: Rose Thorn Race (can be human with magic...): " A Dixie, or a mystivious Race of pixies which like causing trouble with humans." Age: " In Pixie or human? Both? Ok Im *Counts on fingers* 24 in pixie, and 12 in human." Personality: "Im mystivious, happy, outgoing, I like to cause trouble for the humans, i do get mad sometimes but thats only because the humans don't like getting pranked. " Bio:" You want the entire thing? Well then ill start from.... hmm where should i start the middle, y that sounds good. It was the spring mice race, i was up at front with Daisy, my prized mouse. She is white with black eyes and a short mouth. We were racing around this old human house. No one lived there anymore and people sometimes came in to sleep the night away. But today it was racing day. i was in the lead doing the finnal lap when i head the front door open. I ushered daisy into her whole as the human came in. Humans always intrupted our spring games. this one looked funny. He was wearing a a human suit, with big black sun glasses. He looked around said something into his sleeve "Nothing is in here why are you sending me on wild chases." He just stood there, beconing to be pranked. I wasn't the first though to think of it. I saw Tulip rush into the kitchen in the house and turning the sink on. He got so scared, yelling of ghosts. Silly, ghosts don't exsist. Equipment: "My needle sword, uhh my satchle?" Powers: "Being able to change from tiny to human sized. If that counts. Be able to fly." Theme-song (optional) Allegiance: " Why would i join one of those dimbo's clubs, im a dixie" Other: " Rose is my name, trouble is my game. Oh and Unicorns are real, so are bullets and needle swords." dixies are sometimes the cause of Haunted houses since pranking humans is fun for them. (add if your in the S.D.O) Department: "Im not in either of those dimbo's clubs." (add if your in Bloody Voice): " As i said ^" Expertise: Sneaking around, pulling pranks[/center][/hider]