The blonde male walked through the busy streets. Sotaru had been on a two day journey before arriving here in Starter Town. This was his first time adventuring away from his town and he was pretty excited. However, right now he was focused on other things. Mainly that he was exhausted and really needed something to drink. Walking through the busy streets, he made his way to a large plaza. There was a water fountain in the middle of it, and he went to sit down at the edge of the fountain. Relaxing and taking some breaths, he looked around at the many people going about. [i]This place is really nice. It's never this busy back home.[/i] Sotaru's town was much more quiet and peaceful than here. Eventually he saw a green haired girl near a food stand. After talking there for a while, she began to walk away. [i]Lots of interesting people here. I need to restock my supplies and purchase a new map. But first I really need to get some food.[/i] Thinking that it might be nice to try to talk with one of the locals, Sotaru got up and walked toward the green haired swordswoman. "Hey!" he waved, finally catching up. "You live around here? I just got to town recently, I'm trying to find my way around. Do you know anywhere I can get some good food?"