Rurik grumbled and narrowed his eyes. Of course he'd heard it was in the forest! But forests were big! It was like asking where to find a store and being told "in a city." Well no crap, which part of the city? He sighed and tried to calm down. For now, it seemed he had a wyvern to rescue. At this point, he had a feeling the beast was in more danger than anyone else. The irony was killing him. "Yeah, yeah..." Rurik muttered and chased after them. For someone so cheerful, Chloe sure had a penchant for, arguably needless, violence. He really didn't' understand why people rebelled against nature so much. Well, at least it made life interesting. He didn't get bored very often, that was for sure. When he caught up with them, he began thinking. This job was definitely something right up his alley, so obviously it was up to him to make sure it went right. Naturally, he'd have to instruct Verin and Chloe on how best to proceed. It was a perfect opportunity for him to teach them! Finally, all his experience with predators could be put to direct use to help the guild! Then he remembered who he was dealing with and let out a tired groan. What was the chance that these numbskulls would actually absorb any of what he said? Chloe especially seemed to have very wall-like qualities when it came to listening. Everything just sort of bounced off... "So, uhh..." How to word this so that the two would listen? "As you know, my magic is based around Predators-" [i]Good, good, open with the assumption that they already know, that way they won't think that you think they're dumb or ignorant[/i]. "-so you might want to let me take the lead on this one. You'll probably be able to learn something useful!" [i]Yes, give them something to gain, that'll make them more likely to respond![/i] And in the process, he hadn't sounded the least bit arrogant. Not even a little... nope, not at all...