Richard smiled at her. Yes, the painting seemed particularly active when he was around. Maybe it recognized him as its model, and observed him for behavioral cues. As he understood it from reading, even the best paintings had to sort of [i]learn[/i] to mimic their subjects. Painting Richard was off to an exceptional start. Probably it was down to Caelum's talent that it was learning so quickly. She was certainly amazing... River interrupted his wistful thoughts with a question about Cae. She was like a mother hen, the way she tried to interfere... no, that was a harsh word. He didn't mean to think of her like that. She was always trying to help him and Addie, and probably in ways that they didn't realize they needed. He opened up a surprising amount in his answer to her question. "There isn't much else lately. Fuckin' OWLS," he pronounced the acronym phonetically, "Keep us too busy. The painting is the last of our free alone time. We talk a bit during that. Mostly I do, to try to get the personality in the painting right."