[center][h1]Confederation of the Spice Isles[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zbriruj.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]Location[/h2][/center] [center]The Isla Confederacy is located across the islands of western Ikora (all islands except the largest island and the two furthest north).[/center] [center][hider=Spice Isles Location][img]http://i.imgur.com/8gRXM3u.png[/img][/hider][/center] [center][h2]Geography[/h2][/center] [center]The geography and climate in the Spice Isle region varies: Some islands in the region have relatively flat terrain. Such as Islas Windward, Islas Santa Rita, and Islas de Polvo. Others possess rugged towering mountain-ranges, like Isla Hagåtña, Isla Rügyia, Puerto Libre, and Puerto Nuevo. The climate of the area is tropical, but rainfall varies with elevation, size, and water currents on an island by island basis. Warm, moist tradewinds blow consistently from the south-east creating rainforest/semi-desert divisions on the more mountainous islands. The region is the area most battered by hurricanes and seemingly random monsoons in the world. The region enjoys year-round sunshine, divided into 'dry' and 'wet' seasons, with the last six months of the year bringing in clouds of incredibly thick fog, as well as more rain.[/center] [center][h2]Government[/h2][/center] [center]The Spice Islanders are united under a confederacy, and as such have a very weak (practically non-existent) central government that consists of; A '[i]Greater Antillia[/i],' (effectively a president-like figure) who serves as a go between for the individual governments of all the Spice Islands, as well as an ambassador for foreign policy, and a general public figurehead for the outside world.[/center] [center][list][*] Current [i]Greater Antillia[/i] [list][*] Camilla Biez [/list][/list][/center] [center]A '[i]Lesser Antillia[/i]' who serves as a go between for all trade taking place in the Spice Islands, and oversees trade to other countries as well as ambassador of all things commerce.[/center] [center][list][*] Current [i]Lesser Antillia[/i] [list][*] Pedro II Lupez [/list][/list][/center] [center]A '[i]Lucayan[/i],' or 'head of joint defense' de-facto leader of the combined militias of the Spice Islands, typically only called upon during times of war, the [i]Lucayan[/i] is usually a position taken by the [i]Greater Antillia[/i].[/center] [center][list][*] Current [i]Lucayan[/i] [list][*] N/A [/list][/list][/center] [center]And the last role, with perhaps the most power held in the Confederacy's central government is called the '[b]Buyan Lucia[/b].' Although technically a position intended to be completely separate from the government, the [i]Buyan Lucia[/i] is the spiritual leader of the Spice Isles, and holds a much more significant place in the hearts of the people, both domestically and abroad, as a symbol of peace and good-will. The [i]Buyan Lucia[/i] is said to be born with a soul completely devoid of impurities, and they are chosen at birth by the standing [i]Buyan Lucia[/i] to dedicate their lives to helping others and promoting peace, despite personal risk or lack of any rewards. The standing [i]Buyan Lucia[/i] is said to be able to detect when the successor to the role is born, and the two serve together until the standing [i]Buyan Lucia's[/i] death, thus allowing the tradition to continue indefinitely. Although a tradition originating from Isla Rügyia, the tradition was adopted and accepted all over the Spice Isles, and the [i]Buyan Lucia[/i] is a figure heavily respected and admired by the populace, as well as abroad.[/center] [center][list][*] Current [i]Buyan Lucia[/i] [list][*] Helen Dominica [/list][/list][/center] [center]Each island has it's own individual government (with styles ranging from socialist democracy to religious monarchy) that handles day-to-day domestic issues, as well as to a lesser extent, foreign trade, diplomacy, and military action. They are generally autonomous and only come together as a region for certain matters, allowing them to maintain their full power and autonomy most of the time. The islands, and their various styles of governing are as follows;[/center] [center][list][*] Isla Hagåtña, largest island in the confederacy [list][*]Constitutional Religion based Monarchy[/list] [*] Isla Rügyia, second largest island, holds the capital and spiritual center of the Isles [list][*]Feudal Theocracy, headed by the [i]Buyan Lucia[/i][/list] [*] Islas Santa Rita, cluster of islands around Isla Hagåtña [list][*] Representative Democracy[/list] [*] Puerto Libre, foggy island close to Isla Rügyia and Puerto Nuevo, the smallest of the three [list][*] Autocracy[/list] [*] Puerto Nuevo, fishing island close to Isla Rügyia and Puerto Libre [list][*] Socialist Democracy[/list] [*] Islas Windward, islands close to the shore of a large Sorcon island [list][*] They are themselves a confederacy of small tribe-like towns[/list] [*] Islas de Polvo, cluster of islands farthest south-west from the rest of the Spice Isles [list][*] Representative Democracy[/list] [/list][/center] [center][h2]Economy[/h2][/center] [center]While the GDP of each island varies, very generally, the Spice Isles are a mixed economy based primarily on tourist revenue and the large agricultural sector of the region, exporting large quantities of most of the world's spices, as well as sugar, guano, and other plants grown in tropical climates. Also contributing to the Spice Isles' economic relevance is a powerful boating industry, a fishing sector, and a growing scientific interest in the region's weather patterns and wildlife, allowing for significant contributions from private scientific grants.[/center] [center][h2]Military[/h2][/center] [center]Generally unorganized, the Isla Confederacy military is nothing more than a group of militias maintained on each island, only united under times of duress. Troops specialize is improvisation and guerrilla warfare and have varying levels of training and equipment depending on the economic status of the island they hail from. The region is know for it's laughably weak and unorganized air force, and conversely, for having one of the strongest navies in the world. The Isla Confederacy excels in information gathering, and trains some of the best spies in the world, with even regular infantrymen receiving basic espionage training.[/center] [center][h2]Foreign Policy[/h2][/center] [center]While specific relations with other nations vary on an island by island status, generally, the Isla Confederacy seeks to maintain a level of peace and harmony with other countries in accordance with the The League of Nations.[/center] [center][h2]Domestic Policy[/h2][/center] [center]Varies on an island by island status, however, there are a few constants;[/center] [center][list][*] Education is free, from elementary to post-secondary school. [*] Religion and politics, while not expressly linked, many find the word of the [i]Buyan Lucia[/i] to be holy decree. Reverence for the message of peace is a commonality all the islands share. [*] All islands share a common currency. [*] The hunting of bats is illegal, hunting of other birds is heavily discouraged. [/list][/center] [center][h2]Culture and Society[/h2][/center] [center]Varies on an island by island status, however, there is a single constant held throughout all the islands; Respect for the [i]Buyan Lucia[/i]-- their word is seen, practically, as law, and the message of peace preached by them resonates heavily with the entire Spice Isle populace. Each citizen attemps to see the [i]Buyan Lucia[/i] at least once in their lives.[/center]