High in the trees of the forest outside of Starter Town was a giant web spanning four different trees made up of a thin steel wire that was only seen as it caught the light of the sun high overhead. In the middle of the web laid a young man in his early twenties who seemed to be sleeping unaware of his surroundings as he rolled over into a gap in the web and fell out. Marcus woke up with one of his arms above him as he hung from the web as the wires were connected to his fingertips, he flicked his pinky finger which engaged the wheel integrated into the top of his glove which pulled him back up to the web as the wire slack was reeled in. When he reached the web again he sat down cross legged in the middle and held out one of his gloved hands palm up and concentrated on the center. Hovering over his palm two small ice orbs formed from the moister in the air before starting to rotate around themselves over his palm as he started to meditate on the motion of the orbs. He remained in the pose for most of the afternoon with his eyes closed and actually at one point did fall back asleep only to be woken up by a growling stomach which reminded him that he hadn't eaten all day. Marcus grabbed one of the orbs in his clawed fingers as he watched it melt back into water before getting up from his spot and jumping over to the closest branch that was big enough to hold his weight before holding out his right hand and activating the wheel to reel in all the wires that made up the web. As the sun started to head toward the horizon, Marcus jumped down from the tree and started to walk through the forest at his own pace as he listened for any sounds that could give away where food could be hiding. After a few minutes he saw a fire in a small clearing causing him to slow down as he approached quietly before sending out some wire to pull him into the trees so he could approach from above in the tree branches. He saw a man setting up camp in the clearing and was currently preparing a few rabbits for food which made Marcus' mouth water slightly. He fixed his cloak so that it covered his spool of wire on his back before sitting down on one of the branches that overlooked the clearing. "Hey there. I don't suppose you would be willing to share some of that rabbit? I do have some money if I could buy it off of you." He hoped that the older looking guy was friendly and would allow him to buy some of the rabbit since he was to lazy to head into town and find some food.