It has been three weeks since Gansforth fell. In that time the Orcs have stayed quiet not moving further into Suldan territory, but the threat is ever persistent and has shaken the people of Suldan. In response to the attack Suldan has officially requested the aid of The Black Order in dealing with the Orc clan. Now the Order prepares an army to march and retake Fort Gansforth, but these preparations take time and instead of letting the Orcs have free reign the Order has sent a Battalion of troops to scout and hold the Orc's advance until the Army arrives. Silus and his newly appointed team are to be apart of this battalion a suitable task for their first real mission as a team. After a long day of scouting the sun starts to set as the dwindling light pears through the forest. Although the route was quiet for most of the day, Silus was able to catch the trail of an Orc Hunting party not even an hour ago. He now leads his men following the trail wanting to see his foe, and if the odds are in his favor strike and give his team a successful first mission. He slows down as the party approaches a small clearing. "Looks like they are up ahead. everyone on your toes and be quiet, don't want to alert them to our presence, The tracks tell me there are five orcs and a warg. We should be able to take them so be ready to attack." He whispered to his team before inching closer to the clearing.