[hider=Appearance] [img]http://i3.imageban.ru/out/2011/11/30/a57112905f93161b1818f76a99ff136f.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Vega Era Race: She appears to be a sheep or a ram. She says she's a mixed race and proudly states that she may be a long lost decendant of Aries. Most believe she's just lying, but no one actually knows. Age: Roughly 24, she goes by that age formerly, since she can't remember her actual age at all. Personality: Sarcastic but stubborn, she shows nearly no interest in anything involving the meat sacks named humans. She believes only in the right of supernaturals, but does glimpse at what the humans do. She appears as a patient person who dissects the problem one by one before going into detail. She takes notes of practically everything relating to the laws of the world, past or present. She'd happily prove anyone wrong on certain subjects, given if she has the facts to it. Bio: "You mean what my past is, right? It's classified, only for me to know and a certain someone else I won't mention because they're a damn asshat when it comes to it. So tough luck." Equipment: She carries around a spear on her back ([url=http://www.kidshalloweencostumes4u.com/pimages/large/spear-double-blade.jpg]Basically like this but a lot longer[/url].) and an [url=http://img1.imagesbn.com/p/9781615589456_p0_v2_s260x420.JPG]old journal[/url] she has to record new findings. Powers: She can 'steal' or 'borrow' light from nearby sources, be it arteficial or not. If it was arteficial, you could turn off the source and the light would 'dissappear', so she tends to rely more on things like a fire's light or sometimes some of the beams that come from the sun. It takes a hefty ammount of energy to do so from natural lighting, though. She can shift it around into things like weapons or armour, depending on how much light she has. Theme-song: "I don't and won't be needing one." Allegiance: Order of the Bloody Voice Expertise: She believes herself to be a great leader and tactician when it comes to battle, taking other's opinions when needed and being practically 'stone cold' while doing so. Other: The leader of the Bloody Voice. Unicorn's are real but so are bullets! xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx [Hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pA1N1wWh.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Her most rarely used name and her real one is Rikheit Spades, she's commonly referred to as Rose. Race: Dream Demon Age: "Technically, we don't age at all. Some of us have human forms, mine's apparently 18. Fun, I guess." Personality: "Quick thinker and speaker, finds pain hilarious and is mostly sarcastic, what more do you wanna know? You'll probably find it out sooner or later, kid." Bio: "You wanna know about me when I know so much about you? You're out of your league, kid. Face the facts, you're something of a meat sack or something of a supernatural, as they say these days, I've stopped caring which a loong time ago~. Much more in it for memories, me. But I bet you can't hop into someone's mind and literally pick and shatter their memories, can you? Speaking of that, there's work to do. Remember, kid, reality is an illusion and the universe is a hologram! Catch you later!" Equipment: "I have an [url=http://worth1000.s3.amazonaws.com/submissions/514500/514832_9d6d_1024x2000.jpg]umbrella sword[/url], if that counts." Powers: In her 'spade form', she can't be harmed by any other being in the physical world, being harmed only by their imagination in the dream scape or someone's mind. She can freely make contracts or 'deals' with practically anyone. She has major control over the dream scape, a colourless version of the world she calls her home. She makes all her deals by forcefully pulling the dealers mind into the dream scape. In the dream scape, she can freely do what she likes, like pulling out a deer's teeth then reversing it again. In her human form, she can be damadged by physical and mental attacks in the world, but in the dream scape, it's like her other form. Her 'spade form' can be used to project images or memories in the dream scape. When in someone's mind, it's the exact same as the dream scape for her, except she can't do things like pulling out a deer's teeth then reversing it again. Theme-song: "I don't need one, I'm fantastic enough as it is!" Allegiance: "Even-Steven, or neutral. The first is more fun to say." Other: "Unicorn's are real but so are bullets? Who wrote this, yeesh. I prefer picking out deer teeth, thanks. Unicorns aren't exactly on my list of things I like."