Glancing up at the door Raven’s wings twitched, spreading slightly before settling back between her shoulder blades, the black feathers glistening in the artificial light. The room was large, but simple; four walls all plain off-white with no windows to be seen. This was the ‘Muta-Gen Project’ section of the building, so the walls were thick and soundproof and there was no natural light or a single window to be seen in the entire section of the building. This was the recreational room of the section; it had two single white doors reinforced with steel; one led to a small bathroom and the other to a hallway that led to the other living areas. A group of New-Ins were due today. At least she guessed they were, it was always a little hard to tell in here, what with everything being controlled by external forces and no real light to tell when time passes so the schedule was the only thing she had to go off. She had lost count of the days she’d been here, had no idea what day it was, month, year even. She had no idea how old she was anymore. Glancing over at the corner she grimaced slightly, unsure what was worse; to remember the outside world and have a chance to miss it, or to never know that freedom at all. She’d never heard the small girl in the corner speak, so only knew her as ‘Sabrina’ which was what a lot of the guards referred to her as. As usual she sat in the corner quietly, drawing strange pictures at a little table that had been set up for her. Apparently she was a psychic, again all this was just things she’d picked up from bits of conversations, she’d never actually seen her use any of her powers but had mostly given up on trying to talk to her. She only ever got the silent treatment or nods and shrugs. She couldn’t really hold it against her though it must have been hard growing up in a place like this. The door opened and she looked up again, glancing over the new arrivals. Standing up she walked over to them, her wings extending very slightly as she walked. It was a small group this time, four all fairly young looking adults. Stopping in front of them she smiled gently. “Hi, look I know it’s probably not much consolation for all you’ve gone through but I wanted to welcome you to the project. My name is Lilly, but most people around here call me Raven for fairly obvious reasons. If you need anything, have any questions; feel free to let me know. I was one of the first arrivals here, so I am used to getting New-In’s like yourselves settled in. Oh… sorry New-In’s is the word we made up for newbies. Sorry about that.”