[quote=@Milkman] [b]Office of the RSI Spokesperson, People's Proletarian University, Brouges[/b] Gerald Veron thought about what he wanted from the RSI. The deployment of RSI soldiers would be an open war against Ereatia and their allies. It would drag many countries into a war of proportions never seen before. "We should avoid deploying any formal troops of the RSI or any affiliated states. It would only drag many more nations into a conflict that could potentially mean the death of millions. Not to mention I have my doubts that the RSI could land troops on the Colongo shores when you take both the Ereatian and Malassakian navies into account." Gerald pauzed. An armed rebellion was the next step but victory on the battlefield would not be a necessity. Gerald Veron continued. "We need funding, weapons and trainers in order to start a full scale armed rebellion. The UCF has over 50.000 members and many more supporters. We could smuggle weapons and supplies into the country through the harbors. The dockworkers are all trustworthy comrades. Also it might be possible to smuggle weapons in through Alleghany. But starting the rebellion is only the first phase. We must fight the Ereatians to at least a stand still. Create a strong position for negotiations. You need to mobilize the international community to put pressure on the Ereatians in order to force them to negotiate. Economic sanctions and trade embargo's will be convincing arguments for them" [/quote] "The International is not a state," Spokesperson Jaurès corrected. "I concede that some of the imperialists may present us this way in order to paint us as a 'foreign' threat, but we still have a range of action impossible for a nation." The professor-politician listened to the rest of Veron's remarks attentively, mentally noting all of his suggestions. "We can certainly arrange for weapons and supplies. And though you are right to warn against a military landing, there is no reason we can't funnel experienced soldiers and agents into your ranks. After all, the RSI will need a line of communication in order to respond appropriately to the evolving reality on the ground. And I am sure the UFC, lacking in combat experience as it is, could benefit from some guidance and training by veteran comrades. In fact, we may be able to call upon our member-unions in Alleghany to send entire volunteer brigades, disguised as Alleghany pan-nationalists of course. "As for applying global pressure onto the imperialists, if you would present your case to the Revolutionary Workers' Congress, we may be able to declare the Ereatian Empire an Enemy of the People. All the unions of the International outside of Ereatia would boycott the Empire's goods, while those inside would do everything in their power to slow and stall production: Slowdowns, strikes, road blockades, port shutdowns, you name it. Would that be enough, do you think?"