[h3]Chiaki Nettu[/h3] - [url=http://youtu.be/GsDBVpQGitA]Warakuma Local Hospital[/url] [color=662d91]Geez, you could at least play along. To think I took time out of my ever so busy study filled schedule to see you, and you talk like that? Talk about ungrateful! ... Just kidding![/color] Just as Chiaki finished talking to Noboru, another person entered the room, the person was male, seemed to be another patient... He also seemed to be familiar. One of the occupants of the room asked who he was, it was then that Chiaki realised who it was. [color=662d91]Oh, My. Gosh. Its you, Matthew, the foreign fellow from a few weeks ago. I wondered what happened to you. How on earth did you end up here? I assume you did something dangerously stupid.[/color]