Rosina Lerwick human. writes for a local newspaper, and a bit of a gossip. nervous, giggly and prone to jumping at sudden noises. even though she's the quiet type, she's willing to have a lot of fun, and is always up for one of the group's latest antics. Symon Rivers painted demon. a (somewhat) struggling actor. likes to exaggerate his struggles, especially when trying to woo some girl (or guy.) pretty much the only one in the group to have steady luck when it comes to romance. also usually the one to have new ideas on how to have fun. (fun being a relatively subjective idea.) Eiires Artenias Veresjin Milthrand Vatresia (or just Artenias Veresjin. i like to be thorough, though) zalid. kinda uptight artist; considers himself ony sane guy in the group but actually enjoys it when they drag him into some harebrained scheme. adeline calls him the mother hen of the group. he can't actually disagree. Adeline Ivy Everett vampire. a poet and a sometime artist. comes from a rich family, but likes to play up the starving artist stereotype, and tends to be really melodramatic and emotional. beautiful and vain and damn proud of it. has never really had a long-term relationship before though, and she hates remembering the fact. BAM. my characters. appreciate them because I HAD A HARD TIME CHOOSING /weeps