Geni entered Team Gilgamesh's dorm room and closed the door behind him. He felt kind of sad for some reason. He had came to this school to help people, the people that he had once terrorized. But would those people accept him, he knew that the faunas was not exactly the most trustworthy band of people, but the humans could at least try. Geni shook his head and walked into the bathroom, thoughts like that could lead him back to a place he never wanted to back to. As he changed out of his normal clothes and into his white T-shirt and black boxers, anger started to bubble up inside him. He could not ignore those thoughts that he had before, they kept coming back, humans, faunas, the White Fang. Why couldn't he stop thinking about them? They did things that did not preach peace, but war, and he was a part off that. Geni clenched his hand into a fist and smashed it into the bathroom mirror. "OW!" He yelled as the his fist bled. He had cracked the mirror, some pieces were even falling off. He would have to explain to his teammates what had happened. "If this is what is happening on the first day of me being leader, then what will I be in the days to come?" He mumbled to himself as he walked out of the bathroom with his discarded clothes. His dorm room was empty, his teammates were out and about, when most team leaders had probably gotten his teams into bed. " Some team leader I am." He said to himself solemnly as he threw his clothes on the bead closest the the bath room and got under the covers. After a few minutes, he finally fell asleep.