The Ranger rode behind the infantrymen on Icon for a bit longer, the hooves touching the ground soundlessly. Salezenathor pulled the Shardbow from the saddle, arrow on the string in preparation. While Silius' tracking skills were superior to the Counts, Sal wasn't a complete novice in that area either. While he wouldn't have gotten quite as accurate of a count on the enemies, he would have been able to say that there were beneath ten orcs and that the tracks were new, probably missing the lighter warg in the mist of the orc's heavier steps. The Ranger dropped from the horse quietly, moving to the side of the group by about a hundred feet, then moving ahead. He knew what Silius would expect of him, as they had worked together in the past for a few minor missions. He was useful to the to-be-dragonslayer because the Ranger could move with uncanny levels of stealth. He reached the edge of the clearing just before the rest of his party did, eyeing the area over to make sure nothing was out of place. A small camp was set up, appearing to be a meeting place for three of these parties. None of the others were outside their tents at least, leaving only the five orcs and the warg that Silius expected. Sal would shoot the warg the moment the combat started, allowing his allies to fight a battle against the more conventional enemies they were used to facing.