[b]Amythest Malachite, MISTRESS OF THAT HEARTLESS MAGIC THE WORLD CALLS BLACK - Starter Town, Beginnings Boulevard[/b] "WAHAHAHAHA~" The dark queen of all black magic slammed the tip of her staff down onto the cobblestone! With a triumphant laugh, she ran her free hand through her long, pink hair! Yes, beautiful [i]and[/i] deadly! Swiftly it moved to her hip, and she gave the entire town a malevolent grin! Yes, Amythest Malachite, the darkest villain to ever taint the lands with her evil presence, had arrived! Soon these foolish mortals would know true fear! Soon they would suffer under her iron fist of cruel tyranny and tyrannical cruelty! Clearly her throat and flashing a malevolent grin to the crowd before her, she began to speak in the most threatening tone she could possibly muster! "Greetings, foolish mortals of Starter Town!" she declared, pausing for a moment as she contemplated what a ridiculous name 'Starter Town' was. Seriously? Well, she'd rename it something fitting and evil when she... totally conquered it because that was exactly what she would do! "I am Amythest Malachite, MISTRESS OF THAT HEARTLESS MAGIC THE WORLD CALLS BLACK, WAHAHAHAHA~" She paused to let the terror sink in for a moment, before closing her eyes softly and resuming her declaration of power and evil! "Now, I know you may all be terrified, and rightly so! But if you surrender to my dark might, you shall all be spared the greater part of the agonies I can inflict! Be forewarned, however, as any who resist me will suffer all the tortures of he-... E-eh...?" Amythest trailed off as she opened her eyes and realized that, as opposed to cowering in fear, the populace of the town was proceeding along as if she wasn't there. Faltering, she hopped off of her position near the center of the boulevard and waved her fee hand in the air. "H-hey, black witch and all? Mistress of Evil? U-um... I'm right here you know!" No-one was scared at all, what the hell?!