Korrigan eye twitched as the man that Neva had attacked called him a 'red hedgehog'. That's it, fuck being civil, fuck manners, that fucker was going down. [i][b]Korrigan, please remain calm. He's a Morph and you fighting him carries a real chance of danger.[/b][/i] Shade was speaking to Korrey directly, and would have sounded more convincing if he wasn't chuckling while he talked. "Oi, blonde, who the fuck are you calling a red hedgehog. I hope you can back that talk up, cause I'm going to beat your ass all over this damn town. What'll it be,swords, fists, you name and I'm willing to play it. And if anyone else interferes than you'll have to deal with Shade." Korrigan walked right over to the Morph, grabbing him by the collar and staring him right in the eye, his eyes glowing red and shadowy apparitions forming around him "After I'm done with you, your going to wish that Neva tore your sorry throat out."