Today had been a peaceful day, Karn had spent most of his time helping his step father with work. In which case was acting as a model for his latest designs. Most of them for females, and a few for males. It wasn't all bad, the short blonde boy was happy to assist. If he could help his father in any way, he would. Happily stretching as he finished a days work, he decided to head to the grocery store in order to do some shopping. Heading outside, Karn walked along the side walk, humming a soft song to himself. About a block, he came across the soft chime of a wind chime, as the wind gently blew from behind him. Blinking, he glanced as he saw a old woman. Not realizing anything suspicious, Karn happily waved. [color=lime]"Good day!"[/color] he chirped before continuing on, though as the wind chime made a sound once more, he felt his body feel a little off. Like something had changed. Odd. When he opened his eyes, he blinked a couple of times. Had he taken a wrong turn? This street seemed quieter then normal.