Greetings and thank you for your attention! I'd like to present to you, dearest reader, a few suggestions that might/might not interest you. But before doing so, we must both make sure we put out our terms and see if we both agree on them in order to avoid any misunderstandings and inconveniences in the near future. Shall we? Here are some of the points that I'm going to put out. They may look stern on the outside, but believe me, I'm doing this for everyone's good: [list] [*]I am a twenty-two years old male, thus, I expect my partner(s) to be eighteen [b]minimum[/b]. [*]That does not imply that the roleplays will be 18+. Maybe there will be mature points within the stories, but nothing excessive that would require us to move the roleplay to PMs. This leads to the next point, that is [*]No smut or excessive violence. Not that I don't like spilling guts or a hot piece of cake, but I find both of these examples unnecessary in what I intend to do. They can sometimes ruin, otherwise, good moments. Anything in excess leads to bad outcomes. [*]I am a human being with an active real life so while I may be online most of the time because I like keeping my browser with an RPGuild tab open almost all the time, doesn't mean I am necessarily there. My replies may be delayed due to various factors, so, I completely understand if you should suffer the same. A warning would still be nice though. [*]About warnings, do tell me when you grow bored of the story so we can either end it there or completely change its the direction. I will not be mad because I know the feeling that you are going through [*]Be literate. I am not a grammar/spelling fascist because I also make mistakes and because I am very aware that you are a human being too. Unless you are a cat. That would be an interesting twist. [*]Creativity is a huge, fat plus in my book. If you can engage me as a writer with a flexible, open mind, I will have a lot more substance to work with and help create a story worth playing and reading [*]If I really have to ask you to not write just one paragraph per post, this isn't your place. That basically means: [*]Everything here may range from mid-Casual to Advanced, or even Writing Entire Fucking Novels, I'm flexible when it comes to complexity, but it all depends on what you can offer me. Sure, I have my worlds set up, but you're here to complete it by becoming one of the main characters/THE main character. Quality over quantity is good, yes, but quality AND quantity is most excellent. [*]Have fun while at it! If this becomes a chore because you feel obligated to change your style, whether if it is about the length of the post, the complexity of the action or any other reason, if you feel things have become tedious, announce me. I know this is in the middle of the paragraph, but I want to make sure you are thoroughly reading my guidelines. If you see this, add your favorite animal in your private message to me, because I will completely ignore posts on this thread to avoid lazy players. Great, now, keep reading. Things HAVE to be fun, otherwise we'd might as well just write our own stuff separately [*]Male, female or other genders, are all welcome here! [*]If there's really going to be romance here, like I mentioned before, it must be tasteful. ROmance, not INSTAmance. Also, unfortunately, I must disappoint you that the romance will have to be MxF in nature since I'm not good with writing MxM or FxF. I am really sorry about that, I have nothing against it, but I'd rather not ruin something good with my inexperience. [*]I have a switch for you, called "furrify". That means, at your wish, I will switch all of the characters within the stories in furry/anthropomorphic characters. Why would I have such a switch? I can be called a furry fan, maybe, but to me it is all about giving a slight twist to the story. With them being furries, you may outline their personality types that may be subject to change as the story progresses, it would be interesting to see. That and, well, humans are starting to bore me. When you contact me, do write "fuzball" somewhere for me to know if you wish to see furries instead of humans [/list] Whew! With those out of the way, I believe we can go ahead and study the plots I have cooked up. For now, they might not be too many, but they would be large enough to consume time and brain effort. So, without further ado, here they are. [hider=Nascent] A near-future setting with early sci-fi elements, human psychology, adventure and action. The human being is finally taking its first steps out of its cradle and away from mother Earth. Space travel is still in its early stages of evolution, but it has finally become accessible to most of the social classes of the globe; what started as a lone mission funded by the government, private space companies have taken the reins and guided the ascent to the stars with rapid steps, to the point that the planet's own pothole-riddled moon houses tens of colonies from different companies. Technology is still relatively rudimentary, artificial gravity is still a distant science fiction notion, as well as FTL and interstellar travel. With this leap towards new boundaries and exploration, one would think that the human kind would finally come to realize how insignificant, yet, important they are in the universe and end conflict as a defining word of the race. Once again, humans have proven their ill nature and took conflicts to the next frontier: space. Territories on the moon are avidly disputed not only between countries, but also between the private space corporations, so much that several lunar fights have erupted. It was a world-wide tragedy to mark the first human deaths off Earth, the first suspended drops of blood spilled on the lunar surface or lost in orbit. In the aftermath, private space companies took the next step towards securing their dominance over their territories by arming their ships with conventional, electronic and experimental weaponry. Soon, the most powerful space companies have turned into private military corporations, militarizing all personnel and space/aircrafts. A very sad outcome, but a necessary one to prevent further clashes. Today, PlanZero Corp. are preparing to claim another lunar crater for scientific research and further social development by constructing the next modular components to be landed on the lunar surface and is in need to transfer one of the [i]Donovan-Klaus[/i] guided missile destroyers from LEO (low Earth orbit) to LLO (low Lunar orbit) to provide protection over the incoming modules, but before doing so, the ship needs refueling and a much needed personnel change to become combat-effective. Even if the waters have finally settled, one could not really sleep in their beds on the Moon or on board any ship without worrying about an imminent strike from either a rival company, or a rival state eyeing the very same landing site. Reinforcements would be sent in some time, but in space, time becomes a very dangerous notion. [/hider] [hider=Hard RE:Set] Time, like the other three dimensions, is a relative notion within the cosmic weaving of this existence. Humans were born to perceive four dimensions, but were able to manipulate only three of them; time ties down this organic being and forces them towards a single perceived direction, "forwards". But, once a selected few people have discovered the primer, the catalyst towards unleashing the true potential of time manipulation, the very existence of the human race had become a very fragile thing. The first few interactions, with all the needed calculations, ended either in self-contained fail-safe loops to preserve the stability of the massive time-frame humans are contained within, or it ended in a permanent change of history that lead to a separate branch of time. In the beginning, some abused the power to manipulate the world by "Planting" or "Extracting" certain elements in specific time frames for various results until the power of creating branching temporal universes had been completely harnessed and once it's potential had been tapped, the experiments have stopped there to prevent a world-changing catastrophe. Should one of the branching temporal universes be stable enough to self-contain, it would collide with the known universe called Eden and either eliminate the new world, eliminate Eden, merge together or reset time to a stable point in time, probably before the cause of the time rift came to existence, humans. The general population is still oblivious towards the dangers of manipulating things they were never really supposed to so early, but a single company gathered agents capable of understanding the hazards and mostly unforeseeable consequences of jumping through time and unstable branching universes. Their duty now is to hunt anyone intending to inflict damage and prevent disasters from happening, maybe even preventing the evil-doer from existing through complex operations by performing jumps in time-frames and sabotage certain events leading to the either the existence of the target or the event triggered by the target. [/hider] [hider=More to come soon! :)]If you are also reading this, I really like your perseverance. By now, I think you have noticed that I kind of love throwing deceiving little details in what I write, so, if you're also a fan of such things, please surprise me;3[/hider] If you also have any plots that you believe they would interest me, go ahead! I like science fiction a lot, good thrillers, mind-bending twists and situations, heck, I may even like a small bite at a fantasy setting. NO FANDOMS. Keep stories original, I dislike spin-offs and see no purpose in them. If you feel that you are interested, please do contact me to sort the details out!