As Caleb entered the lab that his uncle and quite the amount of scientists were at, the teen saw that his uncle didn’t even notice that he entered the room. He was so immersed in his work as he always is. It was one of the hooded figures not immersed in whatever the scientists and Nomis were working on that greeted Caleb. This figure spoke in such an enriched tone. It almost sounded elegant and very high-class. This hooded figure informed young Caleb that his uncle was in the process of testing some results from a previous experiment of his. [color=00a99d][b]”Thank you.”[/b][/color] Caleb simply said as he walked past the hooded figure. Caleb proceeded to walk over to his uncle to which he would overhear his uncle speak about the experiment he was just going over. He could hear his uncle’s disappointment with the results, as that was the same tone that Caleb got from Nomis during those rigorous hours that the latter spent training the former. So, when Caleb heard his uncle speak in that tone he knew he was not happy. [color=00a99d][b]"I take it those results were unsatisfactory, Uncle Nomis?"[/b][/color] Caleb remarked as he would see the scientists take away the table that was once in front of his uncle. [h2][/h2] As soon as Dominic and Shinto were out of that vent, the former grabbed the latter’s arm and they both shot off into no specific direction. Dominic just knew that as soon as they busted out of that vent in such a fashion that eventually some kind of alarm or patrol drones would come after them. Dominic knew this because that’s what he would do or command if he were Nomis or his little machines. The direction the two went was actually, probably on accident on Dominic’s part, was towards Nomis’ lab. Coming to a stop for a brief moment(mainly due to Dominic’s lack of stamina), Shin opened his mouth. [b][color=fff79a]”Please tell me you know where we are?”[/color] [/b]He said looking at Dominic who was peeking behind a wall to make sure they weren’t being followed. [b][color=fff79a]”Hello! Can you hear me?”[/color][/b] [color=crimson][b]”Shh!”[/b][/color] Dominic said as he placed his right hand over Shin’s mouth. [color=crimson][b]“You’ll give us away.”[/b][/color] Shinto groaned in an annoyed tone. [b][color=fff79a]”Answer my question![/color][/b] [color=crimson][b]” What question?”[/b][/color] [color=fff79a][b]”Do you know where we‘re going?”[/b][/color] [color=crimson][b]”Oh yes, I know exactly where we’re going.”[/b][/color] [b][color=fff79a]”And where would that be?”[/color][/b] [color=crimson][b]“Nomis’ lab.”[/b][/color] And it was with that Shinto had a blank face on while Dominic had the most retarded smile on his. Shinto couldn’t even begin to understand what excuse or logic that Dominic could have for wanting to go right into the lion’s den. As if it weren’t bad enough that the two of them broke into Nomis’ own headquarters, but Dominic actually wanted to go to Nomis’ lab!? That was the last straw for Shinto. [color=fff79a][b]”You are unbelievable![/b][/color] Shinto yelled. Dominic looked at him blinking his eyes. [b][color=crimson]“What?”[/color][/b] He said with the most innocent of tones. [color=fff79a][b]“You want a list! Fine, let me start.”[/b][/color] He said, [color=fff79a][b]“first, you bring me along on your secret mission, then we break into Nomis’ own HQ. If that wasn’t bad enough, now you want to go to his lab!? Why not set off the alarm and just wait for his machines to catch us. At least then it would make more sense than you’re making right now.”[/b][/color] Shinto just exploded. Dominic still was blinking his eyes. [b][color=crimson]“Oh, that. It’s easy really.”[/color][/b] He smiled, [b][color=crimson]“we’re going to take Caleb from here and bring him back with us to Flora and Cerden.”[/color] [color=fff79a]“Wha-what!?”[/color][/b] Shinto couldn’t believe what he was hearing. No, he could, but still. [color=fff79a][b]“Why would we do that--correction! Why would [I]you[/I] do that?”[/b][/color] Dominic now looked serious, but he also had look of sadness on his face all of a sudden. [b][color=crimson]“It’s for Flora. After what she told me about what happened to her and Cerden back at Hollow Bastion -- Caleb didn’t even recognize her and he almost killed his own father.”[/color] [color=fff79a]“But why take him? Why go to all of this trouble?”[/color] [color=crimson]“I need to do something. Flora won’t say it, but it kills her that her own son doesn’t know who she is and if it meant getting that boy away from Nomis, then I’ll do anything.”[/color][/b] Shinto really had no idea that was why Dominic went to all of this trouble to get on the ship knowing full well of the risks that would come with it. [color=fff79a][b]“Fine, let’s go.”[/b][/color] [color=crimson][b]“You mean it?”[/b][/color] Dominic looked surprised. Shinto smiled, “yeah I mean it. If it means we can piss off that bastard Nomis, then I’m game.” Shinto said as he gripped his Sniper Rifle. [color=fff79a][b]“Now, let’s do it. I’m sure that bastard’s machines aren’t far off.”[/b][/color] In that moment, the duo went off down a hallway to Nomis’ lab.