After dropping Kuhaku off at the dorms Gren returned to the infirmary to take back some of the equipment Kuhaku was attached to prior before he fled. Gren noticed Sapphire suspiciously absent from the infirmary and suspects that she decided to take care of herself. [color=forestgreen]"That idiot..."[/color] He whispered to himself as he left the infirmary. Why does she think that she could heal herself better than the doctors who's job was to make sure she made a full recovery? To ensure that she didn't end up dead the next morning he brought her medical equipment back to the dorms as well. Gren hoped to find Sapphire before he's too late and put her back onto her medical equipment so she doesn't suffer any unintended injuries or illnesses. He had to wait until Abel and Kuhaku went to sleep before he left their dorms to look for her. He spent the entire night looking for Sapphire hoping that she didn't collapse in the middle of Beacon. He called her many times through the scrolls asking her where she was at. [color=forestgreen]"Sapphire where did you go? We found Kuhaku but now you're gone."[/color] and variations of [color=forestgreen]"I'm looking around Beacon for you Sapphire, please answer."[/color] He didn't stop his search until about six in the morning. The sun's rays were peeking over the horizon and he has had no responds from Sapphire yet. He didn't want to worry his teammate that their own leader decided to skip out on them, more so since she's hardly in any state to be on her feet. Soon his teammates would wake up and he needed to distract them. Get their minds off Sapphire. And to that end Gren went to make breakfast. His supplies were limited due to the kitchen staff not being open yet. He had access only to what was in the pantry, with everything in the freezer locked. There was some things in the refrigerator, mostly fruit and juice. Looking at his limited materials Gren had to settle for something simple. So he made [url=]pancakes[/url]. It was the simplest thing he could make with what was given, though he did have to scour the entire dorm kitchen for maple syrup. Once he had three plates of pancakes done he headed upstairs. And once he entered his room he wasn't a moment too late; the wake up bell rang, with Gren standing in the room with trays full of pancakes. He would have stayed to eat, but noticed that his feet where tracking dirt. He had forgotten to wash himself. As much as he'd like to eat right now, it would be improper for him to be such a mess while eating. So he left the tray of food on a table and wrote a note for the others. [quote=From Gren]Made pancakes eat them while they're hot. I'm getting the bath ready right now.[/quote] At the baths Gren did not remove his armor. He didn't want to, partly because he was insecure about his body, but also because he needed to wash his armor anyways. He found himself a tub big enough for him to be submerged in and started to draw water. He was fine with cold water, took out the oil better that way. Once there was enough water that he could submerge his body he stepped inside and sat down. With a sponge he started to scrub his armor and body, removing parts one by one as he thoroughly washed himself. While he was taking a bath he also meditated. [color=forestgreen]"Today is a big day... Must... Focus..."[/color] Gren closed his eyes and focused on his semblance. Friction; the ability to control the amount of force exerted onto an object. To put immense pressure on something... Or none at all. In practice it was a control of vectors; movement. The water became still. His sponge slipped through the water. Using his semblance he had caused the water to no longer have friction with everything it touched Even with himself. The water simply stopped touching him, unable to create friction against his body. It couldn't even touch the sponge that was floating on it, causing it to drop through the water as though it wasn't there. Gren got out of the bath completely dry, cutting off his semblance once he had donned his equipment. The water returned to normal as it was drained. And Gren went back to the dorms. --- Upon 8 AM Gren headed to class. He has yet to obtain his uniform and so he came fully armed and armored. The God Eater was strapped onto his back, making his considerable bulk even bigger. He had loaded a full box of "Double Edge" bullets for his Rain technique. Expensive, but he would accept nothing but the best for his first day. He also loaded a few Proximity Rockets and a fresh can of Incendiary dust. Lastly, he refueled The God Eater for it's Terror form. It wouldn't do him any good if he can't make his weapon roar. The chrome finish made the sun reflect off his weapon like a shining beacon, appropriate given their location. As Gren entered Glynda Goodwitch's class he observed the other students. Like him, they also lacked their school uniform and came in their combat attire. Most if not everyone brought their weapons with them. [color=forestgreen]"I wonder if I need to be fitted for my uniform..."[/color] Gren mused to himself. At the mention of sparing Gren swallowed hard. [color=forestgreen]"Oh my... PvP so soon... I wonder if I have some time to get flowers..."[/color]