I'll join, never seen the original show, but might aswell give it a shot. [hider=Dan Bourne] Name: Dan Bourne Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4113/4993548408_ef2790c074.jpg[/img] Motivation: Free 100.000 Dollars? Dan is in. He doesn't care about any risks or whatever, he just is here to make a quick buck. And hey, its always better than his life on the streets, right? Backstory: Dan Bourne has always been a troublesome kid, and once he turned 18, his parents kicked him out of his house. The first thing he did after that was go to the liquid store, and waste all his money there. Dan Bourne is living on the streets nowadays, and doesn't care about anybody or anything, including his own health. When he was offered to join this program, he couldn't refuse. Worst case scenario, he is stuck on an island with some idiots and free food. Thats better than what he is used to. Best case scenario? 100k dollars in the bank, that will probably get him some quality weed to smoke. Personality: Dan doesn't care about anybody or anyone, making him lazy as it gets. If he had the choice to walk a mile, or not eat for a day, he wouldn't eat. Worn clothes, bad attitude, he got it all. If he were to die, he wouldn't even care. Misc: Him not caring about anything has it ups and downs. He doesn't really fear anything, but he is too lazy to do anything. He has nothing to lose either, so he won't take any risks either. [/hider] [hider=Johny Johnson] Name: Johny Johnson Age:17 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://www.mortalkombatwarehouse.com/mk/johnnycage/versus_full.png[/img] Motivation: Johny Johnson really likes fame, so he wants to stay in the competition as long as possible. He couldn't care more or less about the money, he wipes his ass with 100k dollars. Backstory: Johny came from a rich family, and never had to work for anything, making him lack skills in basically every aspect that there is. His parents live in a mansion, and he is used to being spoiled all the time. When he heard about this program, he immediately signed up, as it was a nice way to obtain some fame. Personality: Johny's ego is huge, as he thinks he is number 1, and that he outclasses each and everybody on the island. Besides being cocky, he is spoiled, and would rather not make his hands dirty. Misc: The fact that he misspelled his own name on his chest when getting it tattooed proofs that he is an idiot. His only redeeming quality is that he is quite good at acting, which might help him out. He refuses to get his hands dirty. [/hider] Just tell me if they are too short, I'll make them longer.