The tan woman frowned when Jarvis threatened her. [color=92278f]"Really?"[/color] she said first, remaining seated. [color=92278f]"Maybe you'll rethink your life once I... Break your jaw!"[/color] She jumped up out of her chair, spinning her body around to deliver a roundhouse kick to the older man before her. Mid-attack a bright light flashed from across the room and everything warped around her. When her vision returned, Beatrix found that she was flying through the air with nothing in front of her. She landed on the ground and started looking around. [color=92278f]"What did he just do?"[/color] she said aloud, examining her surroundings. She was somewhere moderately forested, rather than the half-destroyed Guild Hall before. On top of the change of scenery, all the other people that were in the room were nowhere to be seen. [color=92278f]"Did they teleport me away?"[/color] Beatrix looked towards the sky, deciding she was going to fly around. However, nothing happened and she was merely staring at the sky. [color=92278f]"What the...?"[/color] She looked down at her legs, noticing a distinct lack of Drill Magic. She lifted her right hand up and clenched a fist, but still nothing happened. She couldn't use her magic. Beatrix lowered her hand and looked forward. [color=92278f]"Where the hell am I?"[/color] She started walking forward, figuring she had no idea which direction she should be going anyway. Beating up the mages could wait. She had to find out where she was first, and how to get her magic back.