Korrigan looked at the the man, then down at the blade against his chest. He could feel the cold prick of steel against his chest, and he couldn't lie, the fact that with on move this man could kill him. It thrilled him to no end, but he couldn't help but groan, as he took hold of his left hand and brought it up so the dagger was at Korrey's neck, the tip actually puncturing the skin a bit letting out a tiny stream of blood. He stared into the other man's eyes, a slightly psychotic grin on his face and a complete lack of fear in his red eyes. "Please. if you tell me I'm playing for my life, I'll tell you that you should come up with something more original and ask for something more important. Life only has worth to those with future, as since I have no future, my life has no worth. So, instead let's play for something a little more worthwhile. A no-holds barred duel between you and me, the only rule is that we don't kill each other. You win, I'll do anything in my power, which is a lot by the way, that you desire, I win and you travel with me for a few days and tell me about your life. You seem like an interesting guy, if a bit rude, but that's just the pot calling the kettle black." Korrigan removed the dagger from his neck and walked a few paces away, before turning back around to face his opponent, drawing Ragnarok and Apocalypse with a flourish before he took a stance. "So, are you in or out?" As he spoke Korrigan gave Shade a mental command to open up a shadow portal in Korrigan's shadow, which only slightly darkened as a result. When he had said no-holds barred, he meant it, but that also meant that his opponent could use your morph abilities if he so wished.