For some reason, she mirrored his smile hopefully, possibly wishing that Victor would be cool with all of it. [i]Sure Rayna, you just lost a guy's limb and his main weapon; he's not going to be angry at all![/i] Her mind pessimistically allowed for the rest of her senses to catch up when she began to see his smile falter a little. [i]This is not going to be good.[/i] In fact, this was horrible - she was meant to lead Jormungandr and once they discovered how incompetent she was, they would exile her and would make Rakim their leader. [b]The horror![/b] Jormungandr would truly be hopeless then. She allowed him to be angry at her - it was only fair after her failure. "Please Victor, before you choose to punish me for my heinous crimes, do allow me to explain!" She begged weakly, her hands clasped together to almost plead to Victor - she had only temporarily lost his arm but to her, it was a dark crime. There was nothing worse than kicking a guy when he was down. "I accidentally pulled your arm off and I know you probably won't believe this but when I stepped back in shock, I lost my footing and fell back. You guys should seriously find a better place for your clothes but that's not the point. The arm flew back and out the window and I was left with a pretty nasty bump." She murmured, scratching the back of her neck a little before her hand trailed up to the wound in question. "Speaking of which, I should probably go get that checked out..." Just for emphasis, she turned to show him the bump which did look pretty nasty. "I didn't mean to do it but as soon as I came to my senses, I went outside to try and look for it. You know the regulations on curfew though, so I couldn't get too far but I swore I saw some guy in a uniform of some type, lifting it. I'm not trying to shift the blame or anything but I would have swore it was the Moderation team leader." She babbled on as they slowly but surely entered the cafeteria. "I'm not exactly the brightest tool in the toolkit but I do remember faces and I'm sure it was him. I'll go pay him a visit if you want me to but my negotiation tactics aren't always the most preferable!"