[quote=@Gentlemanvaultboy] [quote=@jorthon] [quote=@Gentlemanvaultboy] "Johann." He says softly. This boy was very quiet in pretty much every way. "I suppose you have a similar goal? To protect something? To become strong?" [/quote] Harry thougbt about it for a bkt then said "I really just want to learn some control. I can uso some of my magic without a hitch." Harry then paused to make sure he worded this the right wayto get his poi t across then said "But as I'im'm sure you saw some of it is very unstable. So I just want to be able to use my magic safely. What about you whats your plan after this school?" [/quote] "One man band." he replies quickly. He didn't even have to think about it. "I'll probably have to keep training, though. Realistically. This place and I are a poor match." [/quote] [quote=Gentlemanvaultboy] [quote=@TheHangedMan] [color=ed1c24]"Do not panic!"[/color] roared Hansel. Ironically, but nonetheless on purpose, he of course shouted in the most intimidating way possible to [i]get[/i] him to panic. He spun twice and slashed twice, first to bat away the knives, second to try and bat away Janos [i]head.[/i] [/quote] There's a meaty *thunk* sound that draws Johann's attention away from his conversation and down to his shoulder. There was a knife there. There was a knife in his shoulder. There was a knife that has cut clean through his new clothes and embedded itself in his shoulder. As decreed by dramatic law the pain did not hit him until he fully grasped the fact that there was a knife jutting out of his new clothes in the center of a widening stain in his shoulder. Someone else would have probably screamed. Johann, however, was a quiet boy. He took three deep, deep,[i] deeeeeeep[/i] breaths to bury his anxiety, pressed his hand to the wound, and calmly asked Harry "Did you happen to see a first aide station on your way here?" [/quote] Harry was surprised by Johann's goal in life. He believed that Johann had a real shot at it. So Harry said "I'm not sure this place is so bad for you. It will help you with your stamina at least." All of the talking of the way the school works was pissing Harry off the important thing was to help Johann. So he said "Where is one of these healing areas?"