Geni jumped out of bed the second the room alarms rang. "Since when did we have room alarms?" He said lazily as he dragged his tired body out off bed. He did not bothered to check the time at all, he knew it was about 7 o'clock. He stumbled into the bathroom and shivered as he felt the cold tile floor on his bare feet. He stripped and jumped into the shower, turning on the water and setting it to hot. He liked the feeling of the burning hot water on his skin, it woke him up quicker. Geni had not heard anything from the room, he assumed his teammates had either not awoken, or we're not in the room. Geni really was not concerned, he would not bother to wake them up, no matter how tempting it really was. He shut off the water and walked out of the shower, he dried himself off and put on his clothes. He chose to don his combat clothes instead of his uniform, he knew that he had combat class first, so it would only be appropriate to prepare himself for a fight. Geni walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and feeling good, he grabbed his scroll and walked out of the room. As he walked into the hall he saw many students running up and down the hallway. He had not idea what they were in such a hurry, they had an hour to get dressed and eat breakfast. He walked into the cafeteria and picked up his breakfast, it was a small meal, two pancakes with eggs and bacon. He took a seat alone and wolfed down his meal. For some reason Geni felt less social this morning, maybe it was because of last nights incident. Geni finished his food and left the table, he walked towards the locker room, he would need his weapon to fight. ----- As soon as the bell rang, Geni entered Goodwitch's class. He had grabbed Ragnorok and had it strapped onto his back. He had loaded it and cleaned it so it would shine for the fights. Geni was unusually quiet all morning, maybe his teammates would not notice. He found a seat and relaxed, unfortunately, combat class was not his favorite class. He found some of the other student particularly scary, some had unusually large weapons, some small but scary looking. He really did not want to fight any of them, but he knew that he did not have a choice in the matter. Geni waited for his name to be called out as the woman read of the names of the pairings from her Scroll. "Please spare me." He mumbled to himself.