Name: Violet "Vi" Miklos Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Motivation: Her parents wanted to get her out of the house so that she could be independent of them as soon as possible. They found a camp for her to go to and made her sign the suspiciously long contract. They all thought it was a genuine summer camp, and Vi still thinks that. She's in for a rude awakening, however. But while she's here, may as well try to become a hundred-thousand-aire, right? Backstory: Vi faced depression through most of her life. Her heterochromia always made her the butt of many jokes, and she's gone through most of her life without any friends. Another one of her goals, while she is here, is to hopefully make some friends and get to know some people. Personality: Vi is a genuinely sweet and caring girl. Sometimes, she may need some reminding that they are in a competition, because it is her nature to help anyone and everyone. If she happens to make any friends, though, then you'd better not mess with them. It's always the quiet ones... And Vi is REALLY shy. Misc: Vi has a fear of burning to death, drowning, or being buried alive. She used to have nightmares involving those three things frequently, but they're much less common now... Doesn't mean she's any less afraid, though.