Oliver Prior Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/kZsLQ0H.jpg[/img] Motivation: Oliver sees reality TV as a gateway to his one true dream: becoming an A-list acting powerhouse. He figures that with the $100,000 grand prize, he can afford to move to Hollywood and hire an agent – and with the fame that comes with winning, landing roles would be a piece of cake. At the same time, he sees this particular reality show as an opportunity to show off how masculine he can be, something that has as of late become very important to him. Backstory: Oliver grew up in a small, rural town. Since he was a child, he only had one dream: to one day go to Hollywood and see himself on the big screen. As a young teen, he found himself to be quite popular with the girls in his class, and while he wasn't quite as interested in them as they were in him, he figured he might as well take advantage of the attention and began dating serially. At 16 though, Oliver made a world-shattering realization: he was actually gay. Afraid of this revelation, he kept it to himself and actually stepped up his dating game with the ladies, suddenly terrified that others had somehow discovered it in him as well. Personality: To those who don't know him, Oliver appears to be a regular bro: handsomely aggressive, aggressively handsome, and a merciless flirt to any pretty girl who will put up with it. Behind his façade though, lies a soft-spoken, confused young man whose real passion is method acting. He tends to avert his eyes when talking to guys he finds particularly attractive. Misc: Oliver is an avid reader of poetry. He would kill for a nice... significant other with whom he can stay up until sunrise talking about favourite poems and poets. He particularly enjoys Emily Dickinson. He also recently broke up with his latest girlfriend, just hours after being picked for this show. His biggest fear is having his sexuality revealed to the world, especially on national television... oh, and spiders. Oliver is terrified of spiders. ----- Parade Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZscZpB4.jpg[/img] Motivation: … You know, she's not sure. Parade doesn't really know which direction life is taking her – and that is just the way she likes it. Backstory: Parade spent most of her childhood in a small commune. Although she was happy there, at 16 she left the commune, guided by a vision that told her to go out into the world and find her true purpose. She hitchhiked across the country for nearly a year, living off the kindness of strangers, before finally being arrested for starting a campfire in a city park. While in lockup she befriended a fellow drifter, and after they were both released they toured the country together in his rickety caravan. Eventually she was recruited for this show, and while she doesn't entirely understand what that means, she sure is excited to be a part of it. Personality: Parade is very laid back and care free. She doesn't quite understand the outside world yet, but she is curious and eager to learn. She especially has gotten herself in trouble when it comes to monogamy – she finds the idea not only pointless, but completely alien, having grown up in a community where free love reigned. She works well with others, but can be incredibly naïve, not always recognising when she is being taken for a fool. Misc: Parade is literate, but just barely. Her drifter friend has been kind enough to teach her during their travels. She likes to smoke trees, shoot the breeze and even occasionally spend some quality time with Lucy. She plays mandolin. Making love is one of her favourite things to do. She fears true love - a concept entirely new, introduced to her through pillow talks with her drifter friend - and, to a certain extent, monogamy in general. Or maybe she just fears the incompatibility of her own values and morals with the outside world. She occasionally has nightmares of her future self, a woman entirely different, completely adapted - married, settled down, having completely forgotten the names and faces of those who raised her. ----- Autumn Bailey Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/z1hNZsm.jpg[/img] Motivation: Fame and fortune, of course! Well, that and the fact that $100,000 will really help get her music career off the ground. Nothing quite like the publicity that comes with winning a reality show to get Autumn Bailey on the map! Backstory: Autumn grew up in the suburbs of a major city. She got involved with the underground music scene from a young age, going to shows with her much older brother, and after watching an underground band she was familiar with get signed to a major label, she decided that she was going to one day do the same. She formed a band with two close friends, booked a few shows, and learned to sing and play guitar, in that order. After a year and a half of “touring” (which in reality was just playing the same handful of underground venues for $25 a show, over and over) the band split, and Autumn decided to pursue a solo career, which has seen similar success... or lack thereof. Personality: Autumn is perky, happy, and confident. She puts her mind to something, and then she does it. And then she keeps doing it until she succeeds. She's a social butterfly and loves to meet new people, but doesn't always work well in groups – that same drive to succeed sometimes gets in the way of her ability to think beyond what she personally has set out to do. Misc: Autumn's confidence, as well as a deep-seated fear of failure and rejection, tends to blind her to her own shortcomings. She's convinced that her lack of success as a musician is a result of not having the proper exposure – not playing the right venues at the right time, not inviting the right people to see her shows. It has never once occurred to her that perhaps her lack of success has something to do with her lack of real musical talent.