[James] James, his armor, shield and sword gone, dove to the right and then lunged back towards the door, out of the path of the attack. If he could clear the magic nullification zone, he could give them some support, in the form of both ranged attacks and support spells. [Damian] While James dove out of harms way, Damian found himself reliving an old battle he'd had with a rogue wizard in his early teens, when his father's unit had been dispatched to capture the man. Leaping as high as he could, he barely managed to clear the explosion, though it gave him a little extra height than he'd anticipated. Coming down and landing in a combat roll, he comes up and delivers an open handed palm strike to Grane's sternum, stumbling him once again. [color=FireBrick]"I don't need magic to fight. And Maddox may be a senior member, but he had no right to fight alone on behalf of Phoenix Wing. We're a family and we fight together."[/color] Moving in again, he delivers a series of quick jabs and punches to Grane's abdomen and finishes with a round house kick aimed at his snout. [color=FireBrick]"And before you ask, I am it's Blade."[/color]