[color=black][h3][b]East Forest[/b] Rutger Artz[/h3][/color] Leaves and twigs crunched underfoot as the traveler made his way at a steady yet swift pace. Under the hood of his dark brown traveling cloak, a drop of sweat made its way down his cheek to the tip of his chin, hanging there in quivering anticipation. He felt much the same, coming so close to his goal. He could see the light of open space up ahead through the weaving of tree and brush and vine. The drop of perspiration fell and another took its place, but this one he wiped away with the back of his glove. He hadn't expected it to be so warm. Compared to his home, it was practically a sauna out here. He took a deep breath, and muttered something. Steam, tinged at the edges with something dark colored, hissed as it sprayed from the pores of his skin, venting excess heat much faster than sweating ever could. The slight breeze the geysers created blew the hood off the traveler's head, revealing spiked red hair and golden-amber eyes. He wrinkled his nose and waved the steam away, walking more quickly to get out of the cloud. "Only bad thing about that spell is the smell of B.O." he complained, though no one was around to hear him. Or so he thought. "Ook, ook! Nice smell, where come from!?" A huge creature, apeish in shape but bright green, purple, and pink in color, with a small horn jutting from its oddly shaped head, came lumbering through the forest, causing the traveler to turn in alarm. The beast was known as a Gorian, or a Forest Vulcan, a type of magic beast capable of possessing human bodies. The two beings stared at each other for a moment, until the traveler took one step backwards...and rolled a stick under his heel, falling to his rear. "Human smell nice! Probably taste nice too!" the Gorian chortled, clapping its hands and jumping up and down. With every landing its massive body made the human bounce on the ground as he tried to get back to his feet. "Me no mind if me do!" The creature reached for him with grasping claws...